Happy Birthday Emily!

May 26, 2012 00:49

To my lj friends: sorry I'm posting something after so long, only to bring you something that is probably relevant to exactly zero of your interests!  (Like, seriously.  Please don't judge me for this.)  If I haven't mentioned it before (I think I have?) I'm on tumblr nearly all the time these days.  It's ifitgivesyoujoy, if you want to come to say hi.  :)

To Emily: Happiest of seventeenth birthdays, my dear sister!  A year ago, you commissioned this story as a gift, and I told you I would totally finish it as soon as possible.  I...didn't, obviously, because I am literally the worst.  And, well, it's not even done right now.  As you know.  But!  I did write smut, for pretty much the first time!  Just for you.  AREN'T YOU PROUD OF ME.

So yes.  I hope you enjoy this!  You're my favorite sister~

Title: falling all over myself (to lick your heart and taste your health)
Fandom: Toy Story
Pairing: Sid/Andy
Rating: R (pretty hard, not quiiiiite explicit)
Words: 4,789 (incomplete)
Warnings: None, really.  
Summary: Andy's just out of college when his mom remarries, and her new husband decides to take them all on a cruise in the Mediterranean.  He thinks it's just going to be a week or so of seeing cool cities and trying to keep sixteen-year-old Molly out of trouble - that is, until he meets Sid, the mysterious crew member who cleans their room and can't quite stop smirking in Andy's direction.  That's when things start to get interesting.

When Andy and Molly returned to their room on the first night of the cruise, there was an elephant made of towels sitting on Molly's bed, wearing Andy's sunglasses.

Molly giggled and immediately snapped a picture, exclaiming over it like she did over everything on this boat.  For a girl who had only ever gone as far as a road trip to Disney Land, a girl who had never stayed in anything nicer than a Holiday Inn, she was taking to being pampered like she was born into it.  Andy just shook his head in amusement and took the opportunity to steal the bathroom first.

The next morning, Andy woke up to Florence, Italy drifting past his balcony.

The ship spent two days in that port, two days that became a blur in Andy's memory of churches and museums and crowded markets and green marble in the sunlight.  Andy's mother led them arm-in-arm with her new cruise-funding husband, and it was all Andy and Molly could do to keep up.  The four of them barely spent any time on the ship, and when they stumbled back to their rooms at night, Andy barely noticed details like the towel-monkey hanging in the middle of the room before collapsing on his bed.

The third day was a day at sea.  Sometime around nine that morning, Andy had the vague, sleepy impression that his sister was moving around the small room.  The next time he was at all conscious, it was nearly noon, and he was being shaken out of sleep by a knock at the door.

He nearly fell off the bed, running a hand through his tangled hair and rubbing at his blurry eyes.  He went to the door, and didn't really think about the fact that he was wearing an old t-shirt and boxers until he had pulled it open.

"Oh, sorry."  The cruise worker pulled his hand back from the door and dropped his key card on a cart of cleaning supplies behind him.  "I'll come back later."  He didn't move immediately, though, and Andy got a decent look at him as he woke up more fully.

He was wearing the standard crisp white crew uniform, with a shiny embossed name tag reading "Sid" pinned to the pocket.  His hair was cropped close to his head, like a buzz cut that was just starting to grow out.  At the edges of the collar of his shirt, Andy could see strong black lines of ink - one tattoo in particular swooped up to just below his collarbone, sending Andy's gaze up over the strong, natural lines of his neck, his jaw, his cheekbones…

Their eyes met, Sid's narrowed in the suggestion of a smirk, and Andy realized that he was staring.  He looked down, wishing he didn't blush so easily, wishing he was wearing anything other than his Superman boxers.

"Right, um.  I'll be out soon, anyways."

Sid made a small noise, something like laughter but more pensive, and finally moved to push his cart down the hall.  "Take your time."

When Andy had closed the door, he let out his breath and leaned his forehead against the wall for a moment.  He wasn't sure what to think about that…but he wasn't entirely sure he regretted it.


Later that day, Andy was lounging by the pool, figuring out how little there actually was to do on a cruise ship.  He'd been in the water for a bit, goofing off with Molly, but pretty soon she found something cute to flirt with and abandoned him.  In the ninety-five degree Mediterranean sun, the pool was too crowded with people to do any actual swimming.  So he got out, and for lack of a better plan, wound up stretched out on a chaise lounge.

The sky was blindingly bright even behind his sunglasses, and Andy could practically feel the freckles forming on his winter-pale skin.  His eyes closed, and for a long moment he let himself drift, feeling the slight rock of the ship in motion beneath him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Sid.  He was several yards away, paused by a door marked Employees Only, fingers tapping on the handle of a cart loaded with used towels.  And he was staring.

Their eyes met.  Andy sat up quickly, feeling strangely guilty, like he was the one who'd been caught staring.  Sid held the gaze and grinned, slowly, deliberately - before turning and disappearing into the ship.

"Whoa.  What the hell was that?"

Still on edge, Andy jumped and turned towards the voice.  It was Molly, standing over him in her new white bikini with her hands on her hips.  "Don't do that!"

"Calm down.  I thought you saw me."  She laughed and sat down on the chair next to his.  "So who was tall, tough and handsome over there?"

He could feel himself starting to blush, but he feigned innocence.  "What are you even talking about?  That was…I think that guy cleans our room."

She reached out and smacked him hard on the shoulder.


"I'm not stupid, dude, I know you were checking him out."  She rolled her eyes.  "You really think I thought that guy you brought home at Thanksgiving was just a 'friend you met in physics?'"

He rubbed at his arm.  "Well…"  He hadn't really thought she'd bought that one, but he sure as hell wasn't about to discuss his first (disastrous) boyfriend with his sixteen-year-old sister.  No matter how worldly and knowledgable she seemed to think she was, he was still getting used to her being older than ten.  "Okay, fine, but what does that have to do with this?"

She hit him again.

"Ow!  What the fu-"

"God, you have got to be the densest brother in the world."  She reached over as she stood, and he flinched, but all she did was ruffle his hair.  Like he was the younger sibling.  "If I were you, I would track down that guy, get his name, and get into his pants while the summer is still young."

She strut off across the pool deck.  Andy opened his mouth to retaliate, but all that came out was a choked little sound of defeat.  He looked down and muttered, "His name is Sid.  Happy?"

If she had heard him, she probably would be.


"Mr. Andrew Davis."  Andy froze, key card still in the door.  "That's what I'm supposed to call you."

He turned around slowly, face carefully neutral despite his suddenly doubled heart rate.  "It's, um.  Just Andy's fine."

Sid smirked and closed the distance between them, holding out his hand.  "Then Sid is fine, too."

Andy sucked in a shallow breath and shook his hand - bigger than his, and a little rough with callouses, and obviously strong.  "Nice to meet you."

Flashing a grin, Sid ran his thumb across the back of Andy's hand once, just slow enough to notice, and let go.  "You're cute when you blush."

Shit.  Andy cursed the accident of genetics that had made him so pale and obvious.  He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and, yeah, his skin felt warmer.  "Er, I.  Well.  My…"  he willed himself not to bite his lip, "my sister is…"

"Hold on a second."  Sid caught his wrist again as it was falling back to his side, as if he was going to try to run away.  As if he could have.  "We're docking just outside Rome tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know."  He wondered if he should ask for his hand back.  Sid was staring at it rather than his face now, turning it over carefully, grazing his thumb just barely over the lines on Andy's palm.  It was incredibly distracting.  "Wh-what does -"

"Tomorrow's my night off."  He smirked down at Andy's hand, then abruptly let it drop and met his eyes.  "It's a great city."

This time he did bite his lip.  In any other situation he would be sure of what was happening.  But there was something in the brown of Sid's eyes, or the ever-so-slight quirk of his lips, or the bits of tattoo his uniform couldn't hide, that threw him off.  Even in the middle of the most obvious pick-up ever, he couldn't quite predict what was going to happen next.  "So I've heard."

"Good."  Just as suddenly as he'd dropped his hand, he dropped his gaze, turning and continuing down the hall.  "I'll meet you out here at eight."

By the time it occurred to Andy that he should be indignant, or at least annoyed that Sid had assumed he would accept, he was around a corner and out of sight.

Moments later, Molly appeared behind him and poked him in the shoulder.  "Stop waiting around for your boyfriend to show up.  I have to get in the room."

"Don't you have your own key?" he said, shaking his head and forcing his attention on his sister.

She gestured to her body, still only bikini-clad.  "Do you really think I have a place to put it?  Just let me in already."

He did.


"Hey, so," Andy said carefully later that night.  Molly was stretched out across her bed in a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts, playing Tetris on her phone.  "Did Mom mention wanting to do anything tomorrow night?"

"Ugh, yes, she wants to go out alone with Phil."  She tossed her phone aside and rolled over, head hanging over the edge of the bed.  "I overheard her telling him that she could get you to keep an eye on me.  As if I'm still a fucking kid."  She rolled her eyes.  "Why?"

"I, um."  He bit his lip and turned away from her under the pretense of rearranging the clothes in his suitcase on the floor.  "I just, I think I have this thing, maybe?"

She rolled back over and tossed her phone aside.  "A thing.  Maybe.  Okay, any more tentative details?"

He sighed.  "A date.  I'm pretty sure it's a date.  That or this guy has really weird befriending techniques."

"Oh my god, the guy we saw at the pool?  The cleaner guy?"  Andy nodded.  "Scandalous.  You have to go.  Oh my god."  She clapped her hands.  "Is he British?  He looked British to me.  What's his accent like?  What's his name?"

"Sid.  Mol, he's just American, calm down.  His name tag said he was from Ohio, too."

"Oh."  She shrugged.  "Well, he's still hot.  Maybe you can hook up down in the servant's quarters, or whatever the hell they're calling it.  Titanic, minus the iceberg.  I'm so jealous right now."

Andy could feel a blush spreading up to his ears.  "Seriously Mols, I am not discussing hooking up with you right now."  He inched around the beds to escape to the bathroom.

"Don't call me Mols!" she retorted through her laughter, muffled as he closed the bathroom door.


They made a deal.  After their mom was gone, Andy would go on his date, and Molly would have free range of the ship and beyond, and neither would ever breathe a word of their mutual transgressions.

"Just for you, I'll keep it low-key," Molly had said, laughing at the obvious tension in his shoulders.  "I hear there's a teen dance somewhere around here.  Something to do."

Andy had thanked her a little too sincerely, giving her a one-armed hug around the shoulders.  She had just ducked away and made the same face she used to make when he commandeered her toys as kids.

Then it was six, their mom kissing them goodbye with breezy warnings and perfume clinging to her neck; then it was seven, Andy pacing what small space there was in the room while Molly tried to convince him to at least undo one more button on that shirt; and then it was eight, and Andy was vibrating with tension, checking the time on his phone every twenty seconds, while Molly smirked and deliberated over her own outfit.

Minutes that felt like hours passed, and finally, finally, there was a knock on the door.

"All yours," Molly said, kicking back on her bed and busying herself with her phone.

Andy walked to the door and paused just long enough to cave on the second button issue before opening it.

There was Sid, still in his uniform, running a hand over his cropped hair and somehow making the motion seem cool rather than nervous.  His eyes swept obviously down Andy's body.  "You ready?"

Andy smiled despite his nerves.  "Yeah."

Sid smirked back, and his eyes scanned up and down the hall.  "Come on."  He grabbed Andy's wrist without warning and ran, yanking him along behind him, barely leaving enough time for him to close the door.  Before Andy could make a noise of protest, they disappeared behind a door marked "Employees Only" and started tripping down a flight of concrete stairs.

"This was the only way I could think to do this," Sid explained breathlessly.  "My supervisor'll murder me if I'm seen around the public areas in street clothes.  Or if I'm seen spending any time with a passenger, but some risks are worth it."  He grinned at Andy as they careened to a stop in front of a door, toothy and a little predatory.  "Let me get changed, I'll be less than a minute."

Andy leaned against a wall and fiddled with the hem of his shirt, trying to look like he belonged there in case anybody turned a corner and saw him.  One did, a young woman with a severe white-blond bob, but she just shook her head slightly and ignored him.  There were low voices coming out of Sid's room - when he opened the door, Andy caught a glimpse of the tiny space, the bunk beds mounted on the wall, the dark figure reclining on the top with his arms stretched up towards the ceiling.

Sid had switched to a simple black tank top that revealed not only the wiry, defined muscles in his arms, but the mess of tattoos, stemming from two thin black bands around his biceps just above where short sleeves would hit, snaking around his shoulders and torso in twisting, incongruous designs - a word in foreign characters to the left of his sternum, a sharp, starkly black vine tightening around his right arm, patterns and pictures and meaning covering his shoulders and disappearing down below his neckline.  It made what Andy thought of as his sexiest outfit - dark blue shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons undone as per Molly's suggestion, and his favorite pair of jeans - feel horribly, desperately uncool.

He turned to lock the door, and Andy caught a glimpse of a small, simple skull design right on the nape of his neck.  It was momentarily the most tempting thing about him, and for a brief second Andy forgot to breathe.

"Let's go," Sid said, and Andy caught himself just in time to voice his agreement.


They rode the shuttle into the city proper, squeezed into the seat together among the crowds of couples, mostly passengers dressed up for fancy dinners and clubs.  Sid had loosened up now that they were off the boat, and he slung one arm across the back of their seat.  It just barely grazed the back of Andy's neck and shoulders, not quite around him, but every time the bus jerked he found himself pressed closer.  Andy could see Sid's smirk, and was glad it was too loud for a proper conversation, because whatever words he thought he might say were rapidly drying up.

The shuttle dropped them off by the Trevi Fountain - the Trevi Fountain - and then they were in the middle of it, of Rome, with the crowds of tourists and locals swarming around them.  Andy could feel the difference between Florence and this immediately, like the difference between Columbus and Chicago.  Everything was that much bigger, that much brighter, and Andy found himself shrinking closer to Sid unconsciously.

Sid put a hand low on his back and leaned into his ear, and yeah, that wasn't fair at all.  "Come on, I know a spot away from all these crowds," he said, and then he was walking away, and Andy had to jolt himself out of it to catch up.

He felt off-kilter tonight, like the world was spinning around him and his skin was too thin to keep it out.  He was in Rome, sticking close to a guy who was all but a stranger, and even though he'd been independent for years it felt like he was cut loose in the world for the first time.  Not to mention, Sid seemed to be doing nearly everything in his power to seduce him by the end of them night.  Andy wasn't used to this, didn't think of himself as particularly attention-grabbing.  Hell, his last relationship had started with a spontaneous drunken make-out at a party (and ended the same way, come to think of it).  Flirting didn’t really happen without some sort of alcohol as an excuse, and he usually shied away from any actual pursuit.

But then, he was on vacation, and rules were meant to be broken on vacation, weren’t they?  Molly had certainly taken that to heart.  And he was here, and the bustle of the shopping district was fading behind them, and in the cooling air he could see goosebumps rising under Sid’s tattooed skin, and well, that was reason enough to take a chance.

“Where are we going?” he said, hooking his thumbs on his pockets to give them something to do.

“There’s a restaurant just around the corner here,” Sid said.  “Best pizza in the city, and don’t let anyone tell you different.  Most tourists don’t know about it.”

The restaurant was cozy in a kind of hole-in-the-wall way, and the man behind the bar started jabbering at Sid in Italian as soon as they walked in.  Sid responded - Andy could tell that he was speaking a little slower, but clearly.  They laughed; he wondered if they were talking about him.  The man handed Sid a couple bottles of beer, and they got a table in the back corner.

“You speak Italian?” Andy said, taking a bottle as he sat.

“I’ve picked up the basics.”  He grinned.  “Been working the cruise circuit since I was eighteen.  Met a lot of people from a lot of different places, though to tell you the truth I can swear in more languages than I can say hello in.”

Andy laughed.  “And how old are you now?”

“Uh, twenty-three.”  His left hand rubbed absently at a tattoo on his shoulder as he took a swig of beer.  “Seriously though, enough about me.  What brought you aboard this fine vessel we call home?  You don’t seem like the type to bring your sister on a cruise - unless this is a honeymoon thing, I mean, I hear you can marry at sixteen in Ohio -”

“No, oh my god, she’s my sister.”  Andy pinched the bridge of his nose.  “Jesus.  Our mom remarried recently, and I think he’s trying to win us over by letting us tag along.”

Sid shook his head, laughing a little.  “That was a joke, don’t worry.”

“How do you know we’re from Ohio, anyways?”

He shrugged.  “Because I clean your room.  We’re supposed to know your names, ages, where your from, shit like that.  So we don’t serve alcohol to the underaged or something.”

“Ah.”  He rubbed at the back of his neck.  “Anyways, I mean, the cruise hasn’t been so terrible.  It’s really cool to see all these different places.  And it’s nice to actually spend some time with Molly.”

“Right, your sister.”  He smiled.  “She’s pretty cute.”

Andy folded his arms.  “She’s sixteen, remember?”

Sid looked at him for a second, and burst out laughing.  “Dude, it’s nice that you’re going all protective big brother, but, um.  Your kid sister isn’t the one I asked out tonight.”

“...Right.”  Andy shook his head.  “Sorry, reflex.  I don’t even want to know what she’s getting up to right now.”

Sid grinned and leaned forward.  “And don’t worry.  I think you’re pretty cute, too.”

Luckily, the pizza came at that moment, so Andy didn’t have to think up a response.


After they ate (it was, in fact, the best pizza in the city, or possibly the world), they found themselves walking outside again, back towards the busier part of the city.  Andy was two beers in, and not quite drunk, necessarily...but when Sid grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a club, exchanging words with the bouncer and slipping past the long line out front, well, he didn’t exactly protest.

“Man, who don’t you know in this city?” Andy said, shouting a little over the pounding beat.

Sid smiled, one eyebrow raised, skin washed in the blue lights flashing above them, and this was so, so not what Andy was used to, but...but.  But he bit his lip and threaded his fingers through Sid’s and let himself be pulled out onto the dance floor.

“I don’t know how to dance,” he blurted, and immediately regretted it.  That wasn’t even strictly true - he could dance, had danced, at least a little.  He’d been to college parties, after all.  But this was different.  How did Europeans even dance, anyways?  Since when did two guys from Ohio have their first date at a club in Rome?  Andy was out of his depth, and Sid was pulling him in, and he couldn’t tell if he thought that smirk was sexy or infuriating.

Sid laughed at him and dropped his hands low on his waist and pulled him close, lips brushing against his ear.  “I’ll show you,” he said.  And then he started to move.

Andy’s brain shut up pretty quickly after that.

It was all he could do to match the beat, to follow the rhythm Sid was setting, as they disappeared into the crowds of people.  Sid’s tattoos snaked around him, almost looking like they were moving under the strobe lights, and Andy’s hand found purchase on his arm, on the thin band circling his bicep.  Sid moved closer so they were pressed up together, and when one of his hands curled around the back of Andy’s neck, Andy decided that he’d definitely been waiting long enough.  He met Sid’s eyes, glinting in the dark, and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Sid kissed like he was drowning, like nobody Andy had ever kissed before, and he felt a little bit like his knees were going to give out in the middle of the dance floor.  He was all teeth, hands clawing at his back, somehow still moving to the beat.  Andy groped for something to hold on to and wound up with his hand fisted around the front of Sid’s shirt, dragging him closer, knees knocking together.  Andy gasped.  The sound was swallowed by the commotion around them.

Then Sid broke the kiss and dropped his face to Andy’s neck, sucking hard just above his collarbone.  He slotted a knee between Andy’s legs, grinding down, and Andy’s head spun.  “Not here,” he managed to gasp.  “Fuck, Sid...”

He could feel that smirk against his skin.  “Wish, command.”  He grabbed Andy’s wrist, fingernails digging into his skin, and started walking towards the back of the club.  Andy tried to walk calmly, wild-eyed and desperate, barely aware of his surroundings as Sid practically dragged him to the bathroom.

Sid whirled Andy around as soon as they were in, pinning him against the door; the room was mercifully empty.  He kissed him once, rough and lingering, before bending lower, fingers working at the buttons of his shirt, teeth dragging along behind them.  Andy’s head knocked against the door and his hands shoved under Sid’s tank top, fingers scrabbling to touch something, anything.  When Sid reached the bottom of the shirt he straightened back up, kissing Andy again, sliding his hands over his shoulders so his shirt fell down his arms.  Andy shuddered and hooked a leg up at Sid’s hip, trying to get him as close as possible.  Sid groaned and crashed into him, once, twice, again and again until they were both clinging to each other and gasping.

“Fuck this,” Sid said, and his hands scrabbled at the zipper of Andy’s jeans, more frantic and less sure now.  Andy buried his face in his neck as Sid pushed his pants and boxers down in one motion.  There was no time to think, barely time to react, and Andy’s fingers shook as he tried to follow suit.

Sid chuckled.  “You gonna make it?” he said, tracing a teasing finger along his thigh.

Andy squeezed his eyes shut and tried to remember how to stay upright.  He palmed at Sid’s boxers.  “Isn’t that the point?”

The sound Sid made traveled straight down his spine.  “Fair enough.”

Andy bit at Sid’s lip as Sid wrapped his hand around him, and then everything went white.  The faint pounding of the beat out in the main room grew loud and insistent in his ears, and everything was Sid, the weight of him in his hand, the ink cutting across his collarbone, the steady rhythm of his hips driving him insane.  Andy sunk his teeth into Sid’s shoulder because it was all he could do, whimpering quietly, feeling like he was being dragged to the edge, agonizingly slow and somehow all too fast at the same time.

“Andy,” Sid breathed, and that was what did him in in the end, made him shake and cling to him with everything he had.  Sid followed soon after, stuttering against him, and they came down slowly, exchanging uncoordinated kisses as they did.

Finally, when Andy thought he might slide overwhelmed to the ground, Sid shook his head and broke away.  “Thanks,” he said, somehow totally composed all at once, pulling up his pants and going to wash his hands.

Andy braced himself against the door and rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, ‘thanks.’”

Sid smirked back at him.  “What?”

“Is that really what you say after sex?”  He bent down and pulled up his own pants, walking to the sinks when he was sure he could stay upright.

“What would you want me to say?”  Sid zipped up his jeans with wet fingers and straightened out his shirt.

Andy shook his head.  All his nerves from earlier had been drained out, and he kissed the corner of Sid’s mouth.  “Nothing is fine.”  He couldn’t quite read the look in Sid’s eyes.  “Come on.  What time’s the last shuttle back to the boat?”

Sid pulled an old cell phone out of his pocket.  It was nearly midnight.  “Shit, it’s soon.  Let’s go.”

They held hands all the way out of the club.


It was almost one by the time Andy got back to the room (and okay, they may have wasted a little time making out by the service door, but the hallways were deserted anyways).  He started grinning as soon as he was out of Sid’s sight, and then he couldn’t stop, and he slipped through the door praying Molly would be asleep.

She wasn’t.

“Is that a hickey?” she said, rolling over from where she was lying on her bed.  She was wearing a little black dress that Andy was sure their mother didn’t know she owned, and she had some movie playing on the television.

He turned bright red.  “Mols, I can’t discuss this with you.”

“Oh come on,” she whined, sitting up and crossing her legs.  “Give me all the juicy details.”

“I am not giving you the ‘juicy details.’”  He stood in front of the mirror and inspected the mark on his neck.  It was so obvious.  He wondered how he missed it back in the club bathroom.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re my kid sister!”

“Ugh.”  Molly stood up and squeezed past him in the narrow hallway, heading for their small bathroom.  “You’re no fun.”

Andy changed into pajamas while she was in there, spending a little time looking at the marks scattered down his chest.  He realized, belatedly, that he was on a cruise ship, and wondered how he was possibly going to explain them away.  An unfortunate pool accident.  A freak bird attack.

An illicit date with a crew member that ended with handjobs in the bathroom of a Rome nightclub.

He was in bed by the time Molly emerged.  “Are you sure you won’t tell me anything?”



He snorted.  “Watch your movie, Mols.”

I have an idea of where I want the story to go after this, if you're curious.  Sid and Andy keep seeing each other around the ship, making out in illicit places, almost getting caught and slowly learning more about each other.  (At one point Sid's supervisor catches him going into Andy's room on a break, and they have to pretend that he was going to fix his toilet.)  When they do try to go on another date, though, in Santorini, they get caught by the assistant cruise director in a bar.  Sid gets ordered back to the ship, and Andy is apologized to profusely.  When he finally sees Sid again, he learns that he got fired - apparently, this wasn't his first time breaking passenger-crew protocol.  Sid has to leave, giving Andy very little idea of where he might be headed - Andy, feeling horribly guilty, doesn't try to pry or find a way to contact him.  He mopes through the rest of the cruise and heads back to Ohio with his family.

After a week or so back home, Andy is starting to think he might be over it.  Then one morning, he sees the garbage truck in his driveway, and the garbage man...well, he looks like Sid.  That's impossible, though.  Sid's probably somewhere in Europe still, finding work.  He's probably forgotten all about Andy by now.

Later that night, Andy takes Molly out to Pizza Planet...and there Sid is, waiting by the take-out counter.  He almost doesn't go over to talk to him - almost, but Molly notices him freeze, sees who he's staring at, and practically shoves him in Sid's direction.

The rest, you can probably imagine.  :)

help tumblr has ruined me and i don't kn, fanfic, toy story, birthday madness!

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