...so I'm just going to talk about random things, and you're going to be thoroughly entertained by it, else you risk attack by ninjas.
So I saw HBP last night for the second time, because my brother hadn't seen it and we wanted to see the 3D imax version. ATTENTION: THE 3D IS NOT WORTH IT AT ALL. It's only actually 3D for the beginning couple of scenes...it turns off once he gets to the Burrow for the first time. I kept thinking, well, maybe it'll come back when there's a more intense scene, like when the house burns down, that'd be cool...nope. MOVIE PEOPLE, YOU GUYS ARE LAME.
Okay, so all my Firefly fangirls out there (who happen to not read xkcd for some reason) need to read a string of five comics starting with
this one. I remembered it last night, and I found it and read it, and it makes me very very happy. You all probably know about it already, cool people that you are, but like I said, random things. This is what I've been thinking about, so now everybody has to think about it. Mwahahaha! Mine is an evil laugh!
And just incase everybody forgot: dentists are mean and they like stabbing gums and causing pain. I could probably put earrings through the holes that woman made. Grrrrrrrr. And since my mom is apparently dissatisfied with my teeth, now I have to start wearing whitening strips. *blech*
Hey Chevy! Happy Birthday! <3
I guess that's all I really have to say. Also, my brother has started watching horror movies in the room where the computer is, so I'm gone. Peace out, homies.
Addendum: I just remembered something amusing about HBP. You know that scene where Ron and Harry are talking, and Harry starts listing all the attractive things about Ginny, and he says "She has...nice skin"? Was anybody else thinking, "
2nd Addendum: I just realized that when you mouse over the above hyperlink, you are graced with a nice full color picture of weed. Well, that reflects well on me, doesn't it?