Rewatching High School Musical: A Brief, Disjointed Recap

Apr 27, 2011 21:47

 This is a pretty random snapshot of my thoughts after watching High School Musical for the first time in years, arranged in no particular order:

Chad.  Chad, darling.  Even if I hadn't been slashing you with Ryan lately, your sparkles would still be showing.  Seriously hon, off the charts.

Speaking of Ryan, I love you.  I love that a lot of the time you're this vapid yet genuinely nice guy - it's kind of amazing.  And your inappropriate romance with your sister, honey, I think we need to find you a nice boy (see above) before this gets too weird.


While we're on the subject of Characters I Love, Kelsi, sweetheart.  You are my new favorite little lesbian, and homygod you are so adorable <333.  That tux.  That sexual tension with Sharpay.  I LOVE IT.

(Didn't they kind of try to pair Ryan and Kelsi up at the end of HSM3?  I didn't see it, but that's what I've heard.  Anyways, yeah, that'd be pretty cute, if either of them was at ALL straight.  Okay, maybe Kelsi's a little bisexual, I don't know, but Ryan?  NICE TRY GUYS)





It isn't Newsies, but it's still damn amusing.  XD

Wait, Stick to the Status Quo is actually really catchy.  ALSO: TABLE DANCING


Daaaaamn Vanessa Hudgens, way to make me even more excited to see Sucker Punch.  *stares*



Oh my god.  What Chad says to Troy in the one scene...that is straight-up emotional manipulation.  Completely not cool.  At least he redeems himself pretty soon after that.  (And now I have all these weird theories about how Chad is sports-world Sharpay, and how that connects to his relationship with Ryan, and OH MY GOD I AM SO FAR GONE.)

Taylor.  Is it weird that I used to be okay with Taylor, because she was smart and female and all, but now she's just SO ANNOYING?  I mean, Sharpay is obnoxious to the point of absurdity, but she's also *hilarious*.  I never noticed before, but her delivery is just spot-on.  Taylor, on the other hand...I think it's that she takes herself so seriously, and it's over-the-top and ridiculous but it doesn't have that edge of comedy.  It's just...over-the-top and ridiculous.  I think I find literally every single character endearing - even Troy and Gabriella, a little bit - except for Taylor.



I'm going to have to watch the sequels now.  

that is a boss zefron poster, slash, my sparkles senses are tingling, high school musical

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