(no subject)

Mar 06, 2010 12:56

Following are a bunch of little explanations of my relationships with fandom, as if fandoms were actual people.  It occurs to me that these are actually as close as I've ever gotten to actual romantic relationships.  That's gotta be healthy and normal, right?  XD

You met the Tortall universe when you were very young, and it could have gone either way, but he was the perfect first boyfriend. You parted on good terms, and you still call him up sometimes when you need someone to talk to.

Firefly knocked you off your feet when you first met him. And you would think that he'd stop interesting you over time, but you just keep finding out more fascinating details about him. He's everything you ever dreamed of in a guy. He's not around right now, but you suspect that in twenty years, you'll turn around, and there he'll be, like he always was.

Ouran is that guy you met doing a musical, and every time you think of him you get all happy and tingly. When he's in the room, you hang on his every word, and you can't look away. He's charming and wickedly funny, not to mention dead sexy. ...Yeah. You'd hit that.

When you met Harry Potter, you thought he was kind of awkward and boring. He was just that kid who was always...there. But then years later, you struck up a conversation in homeroom, and you figured out that he had hidden depths. You started to appreciate everything you always took for granted. And while you aren't attracted to everything about him, there are things about him that just make you grin every single time.

Your first date with Havemercy was a whirlwind. He spun you around in every literal and metaphorical sense there is. And it's just been getting better from there. Every time you see him, you want to come back for more. The initial infatuation has grown and developed into what will no doubt be a lovely long term relationship. He's pretty much perfect for you, in every possible way.

Buffy and you have always been complicated, on again, off again. He's smart and funny and deliciously quirky. But when you see him, you never know whether you'll feel that spark of attraction. You feel so terrible on those days when he bores you. In the end, though, you have faith in him. He always manages to steal your heart back in the end.

9 took you straight to bed on the first date, and he completely blew your mind.  You fantasized about it for weeks after.  Eventually, though, the glow faded, and you started to wonder what you ever saw in him.  But then he came back to town and turned out to be just as amazing as before.  You still feel this way every time he comes back.

You were feeling pretty crappy about yourself.  Then, El Dorado reached down and helped you up.  In one night, he showed you everything beautiful about the world.  He didn't try anything on you, didn't even try to get your number.  You gave it to him anyways.

Team Fortress is the guy you go to when you just want to have fun.  He knows exactly how to make you smile and laugh.  He doesn't know how to deal with your random bouts of angst, but you figure that he doesn't really need to.

Twilight was the Perfect Male Ideal you met when you were thirteen and stupid.  For a long time, you tried to twist him into the guy you really wanted.  Then, you grew up and realized he couldn't be that guy.  You still blush and duck your head and slander him loudly whenever you see him pass by.

Wildwood Dancing was your first girlfriend.  She was sweet and lovely and perfect.  She was the Tara to your Willow.  The infatuation faded after a while, but you're still a little bit in love.  You always will be.

Big Time Rush is the guy you're embarrassed to be seen with in public.  He can be loud and blunt and obnoxious, and a lot of people think he's pretty lame.  Still, he has that ridiculous charming streak that you have so much fun hunting for.  You invite him over for a laugh on lazy Saturday afternoons when nobody else is around.

Psych is the guy that gives you the courage to be really, really weird.  You could skip down a crowded street singing fantastically bad '80s songs if he was with you.  He doesn't just make you smile.  He makes you literally roll on the floor laughing, and then makes you sigh as you realize how endearing he is.  You don't get much from him other than humor, but you find yourself caring deeply about him anyways.

Mercutio/Benvolio is a heartbreaker.  You don't know why you keep coming back to him, since it always ends with you sobbing over your keyboard.  But for some reason, some part of you likes that feeling you get, the high of love and the crushing fall that comes after.  You couldn't live without him for too long.  (This one could probably apply to a drug, as well as to a person, frighteningly enough.)

Star Trek has been fascinating to you ever since you were a little girl.  He's smart and fun, and he always dresses really nicely.  But as you grew up, you started to realize that whenever he said something cryptic, he was telling an inside joke that you'd missed.  And this was happening more and more.  He tried recently to let up on the secrets for you, but you still feel like you're missing something major whenever you hang out with him.

When you met Hanna, you were prepared to simply appreciate his depth and find him intriguing.  He surprised you, though, when he stumbled as he tried to approach you, then looked up and grinned sheepishly.  Part of your heart melted for him.  He's still totally intriguing, but what keeps you around is the streak of clumsy silliness that he's so terrible at hiding.

Meeting Runaways was like being dropped into a fairy tale.  He was all you saw, all you breathed, for days on end.  He doesn't function well in a relationship, though.  When he's around, he's an addiction, and when he's not around, he's not much of anything.  You aren't thinking about him constantly, but whenever he calls, your heat jumps in your throat - you can't help it.

Those were so much fun to write.  <3

In other news, the semi was tons of fun, even though I had to tart myself up like th'Esarina.  spinners_grove  and alliemenzel  are two of the most totally awesome people to go to a dance with.  And between the crappy pounding bass dance songs, they played a lot of really AWESOME music - thank you, Zach Fox.  <3 We even got them to play the DJ Earworm remix and Don't Stop Believing.  All in all, a fabulous night.  I love you both!

interesting real life, fandom, artemis is a huge dork

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