Title: The Corner of Your Mind Characters: Urahara, Benihime Summary: The ways they influences each other over the years. Prompt: Fly Rating: K Word Count: 871 Notes: Fourth of five fics for
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I love your take on Benihime. It's much more interesting and far more compelling than the now-cliched 'vixen' you cited. The whole thing is lovely, and I find myself wanting to read more about these two.
Why thank you! I openly admit it's a case of shoehorning the fic into the prompt instead of vice versa, but this little version was just calling so strongly to me.
I have to agree with the above reviewer. A refreshing change for Benihime. I personally never pictured her as a vixen. Just doesn't seem to fit Urahara. This, however... this makes me pause and think.
Thanks! I won't deny I've dabbled myself in the vixen Benihime genre - and some of my fav fics are from it, but I couldn't resist this when it popped into my head.
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