Title: In Arms
Day/Theme: May 23: Who can love you and still be standing?
Series: Bleach
Character/Pairing: Shinji, Hiyori
Rating: K
A/N: Written for
31_days. Vague sort of but not really spoilers for flashback chapters (in setting, not in actual details). Could be read as shipping or friendshipping depending upon how you prefer your Shinji and Hiyori. (And also
juxtaposie hasn’t looked at this, so feel free to point out errors in tense/style/good taste)
Hiyori isn’t the easiest person on the face of the planet to get along with. It’s a fairly obvious fact and as one of the few people who apparently carries on an actual personal relationship with her Shinji has faced time and time again the question that has no correct answer:
“Shinji, how do you live with her?”
For a long time he used to shrug off the question, but now he merely smiles and answers with complete, heartfelt honesty, “Hiyori? I trust her as far as I can kick her.”
Most frown at this answer, or change the subject, mumbling in confusion. What few actually learn is that, based upon some of their most recent squabbles, he can actually kick her pretty damn far - across two training fields and well into the seventh’s barracks, if there’s no headwind.
He only wishes Hiyori had the same amount of trust in him.