Title: In the Court
Day/Theme: January 16. It’s sane enough what I’m asking
Series: Avatar, the Last Airbender
Character/Pairing: Sokka/Toph
Rating: K
A/N: Written for
31_days. Dedicated to
sheanowheregirl, because she said I needed to write more Avatar. Spoilers for the absolute cutest scene in the entirety of The Firebending Masters.
“But Toph,” Sokka complained as they stumbled their way through the field. “I’ve already met your parents. They don’t like me.”
“Of course they don’t,” Toph shrugged. “But I don’t care if they don’t like you.” She was a good ten paces ahead of him, and utterly unconcerned with whether or not he was keeping up.
“You said I needed their approval before we could get married.” Sokka argued. He’d been having nightmares all week about asking permission from her father.
“No,” Toph’s reply was curt. “I said you needed approval.”
The mountain rose up in front of him, and Sokka eyed the mouth of the cave apprehensively. Underground had never been a pleasant place for him, Toph’s presence or no.
She was leading him still, staying far enough that he couldn’t touch her but still close enough that he could still make out her silhouette against what little light was filtering through the cave. Abruptly, she stopped, and he stopped with her.
“I said you needed approval,” Toph said gently. “I didn’t say from who.”
Sokka tried his best not to jump out of his skin as he felt something skimming his feet. He squinted in the darkness and barely made out the snout that was sniffing his feet and ankles gently.
He looked back up in Toph’s general direction. “You don’t want me to sing, do you?”