Title: Know My Stops
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme no.: 41. Scenes from the Narcissist café
Pairing: Roy, Ed (implied Roy/Riza and Ed/Winry? Except kinda not also.)
Rating: K
Summary: Ed and Roy’s egos are injured in the worst way.
Notes: Third of three updates for
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Then, as they sunk in, a wicked grin spread across his face. He turned and stared at Roy, entirely unsure of how to begin gloating.
This is absolutely and totally my FAVOURITE line! Bloody brilliant. I can perfectly imagine Ed's face, the little devil.
Hehe, great drabble. You've got Ed and Roy down perfectly. I love it!
And I'm happy to be part of the hangover cure - drinking anything good last night?
drinking anything good last night?
I was drinking for charity! XD
I was at a yearly a food and wine fair in aid of deaf children. There's an amazing deli in my town that sponsors the event. €10 in! You're given a wine glass and are ordered to go sampling the various wines, cider, ale or champagne. There are tables of roast ham, beef, soad bread, pâté, crackers, salmon, pasta, rice, couscous, bulgar... so much food. AND, dessert tables of butterscotch, toffee, fudge, chocolate, gingerbread, ice-cream, jellybeans... I could go on. It's my favourite night of the year. Better than Christmas.
Damn... now I'm starving! XD
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