Title: A Good Idea at the Time Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 25. less remain in one place Pairing: Ed/Winry, Al Rating: K+ Summary: It’s not uncommon for the groom to get cold feet. Notes: First of three updates for
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“You and Ed deserve each other, you know that?” Loved the way threats of Winry and Izumi fail, yet Roy works instantly. ^^
It was only the assurance that Ed would not bolt in front of an audience - an audience that included Mustang, and Izumi Curtis, and several of the Rockbell’s larger, burlier customers - that let Al leave Ed behind confidently. That sounds so Ed.
Thank you! Truly though, Mustang would have been merciless if Ed had ditched. I don't know that I could have done that to him - although I HAVE tortured him in a lot of other ways...
Hmm, most likely the trouble will have been the bachelor night. ^^ And then there's the speech to consider. Wouldn't be surprised if he spend two these on it; then 2 min before making it, change his mind, crumple the papers and make something short and to the point up on the spot. ^^;
“You and Ed deserve each other, you know that?”
Loved the way threats of Winry and Izumi fail, yet Roy works instantly. ^^
It was only the assurance that Ed would not bolt in front of an audience - an audience that included Mustang, and Izumi Curtis, and several of the Rockbell’s larger, burlier customers - that let Al leave Ed behind confidently. That sounds so Ed.
This piece of love is quite packed with action. ♥
So, what kind of stunts will be pulled when Al gets married? ;)
Well that depends. I'm not sure if Ed is the type to create trouble or just sit sulking in the corner...
AHHAHA so Ed's not only sulking that his baby brother is getting married, Winry's pissed at him for bachelor night shenanigans as well. OH ED.
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