Aug 30, 2005 01:26
So James and the Giant Peach auditions were tonight. Tomorrow are callbacks. I honeslty don't know if there is a part for me in this show.if there isn't that's fine. as long as there is a part for me in 12th Night. I'm not sure there is though. I just miss being in a show. It's been, what? 3-4 months? It seems like a year. And I don't even have any acting classes this semester so I really hope I at least get a part in one of these shows. A good part that I can actually do something with.
I got Chad and Emily's voice teacher's number and I plan on calling him tomorrow and setting up a lesson. If it goes well I'm going to make it a regular thing. I need it. Especially if I want to be in Kiss Me Kate.
I saw Wedding Crashers tonight for the 3rd time. God I love that movie!!!! I love Owen Wilson, I love Vince Vaughn. I love it all!!!! I even found a new favorite actress in Rachel McAdams. OK, that's due to The Notebook, but still. A great movie.
I just love any guy that can make me laugh, and this movie is full of them.
In London Joya and I were talking to Evan about funny guys and how we'd rather be with a funny guy than with a good looking guy. He didn't believe us. He is soooooo wrong. Funny guys get me all the time. If you can give me a good belly laugh you're practically in.
Yes, I know I laugh all the time- but a genuine belly laugh where you can barely catch your breath is something different.
"The whole time we're wondering if we're going to get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions. Maybe play a little game called Just The Tip. Just to see if you like it. "
~ Vince Vaughn's character on dating. perfect.
God he kills me!