(no subject)

Jan 29, 2013 01:43

Re-installed Sims 3 and now all I can do is make my own characters in it and then play them because apparently it's less effort than writing.

I think I am re-defining lazy. I'm sick and have been for nearly two years now so this is hardly all my fault, but sheesus.

I need to re-install Sims Medieval but I am forever upset I lost my lovely Patrick/John and George/Sebastian sims. THEY WERE PERFECT fffff. But considering my game files were the only thing I lost when my computer's harddrive failed, I can hardly complain too much.

(but they were so perfect and I loved them, dammit. And Patrick was a bard and he played music and John got all swoony. And George was a spy and Sebastian was a knight and they went on quests together)

Eventually I will do something that isn't Sims. Maybe. Well tomorrow I am going to roast a chicken for only me. My housemates are gone, I am not just going to keep them away from it. That would be rude. Thank goodness I have an appointment on Wednesday or I might not leave the house at all this week. Which is actually fine, but being exhausted AND restless sucks my ass.


forgotten strays, eventually i will write something again, greedy sleeper, augh, lol george is a fairy, sims 3, computers are annoying, but i am losing my mind, gaming is easier than writing, sims medieval

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