(no subject)

Aug 02, 2012 23:21

Feeling energetic enough to write but no one is around. WOE. Clearly I shall solve this by updating most of my Strays characters and refreshing to see if I get replies until I eventually fall asleep! Stupid random!energy. I got so tired after changing my sheets and making my bed today that I had to take a nap.

In summary, chronic fatigue sucks and I wish I could like hear back from the damn hospital about what step to take next but being on the waiting list does mean waiting. HUMPH.

BUT. The guy who is fixing my computer finally got the new LCD panel he was waiting for and so now he can install it and make sure it works. He says I should have my computer by Monday. Which OH MY GOD, REALLY?! YAY YAY YAY! I can go back on AIM and type without having to fix every second word!

You guys. I can play Sims. ;)

forgotten strays, rpgs, greedy sleeper, yay!, stupid body, things of niceness, sillyness!, computers are annoying, sims medieval

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