(no subject)

Dec 11, 2011 19:12

Homg. So I went to the second dance performance because Jayann was doing her solo piece, which was gorgeous. All ribbony and painty and deep and beautiful.

The first piece was a ballet, choreographed by the head of the department. It was based on a Japanese folktale and it was set to the Crane Wife songs by the Decemberists, as well as an instrumental piece. And it was absolutely breathtaking. I love ballet so much and it was so well done. Gorgeous.

And now I am soooo tired and there are more earthquakes in the world and ew! The earthquake was apparently three minutes long. Our thirty-second long one felt like an eternity. Shit, I think after a minute you would start to believe it might never stop. Terrifying.

Focus on ballet and sleep, Lara, sheesh.

balletnerding!, jayann, montana, plate tectonics to the left, pants

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