Nov 22, 2011 10:38

Still in Frisco airport. I gave up on my cousin and then I ate fish and chips. And now I feel sick because my body is like "you asshat, I want sleep not food. WTF is wrong with you!?" So that's nice! I am going to inform the flight attendant that if I pass out, it's because I have post-viral fatigue and it is not, in fact, a medical emergency.

I haven't lived in the US for eight years and despite being a waitress for seven years before that, I forgot how to tip. I DID tip, because I never wouldn't here in the US. But it's not a thing in Australia and NZ. So the server gave me the credit card slip and I panicked and had to ask her how to write in the tip. She kindly showed me the place where is said TIP in big letters. *sigh* I also forgot you get water in the US whether you order it or not, so I ended up with three drinks. I am full of coffee, lemonade and fish.

I also tried to plug my laptop into the powerpoint here three times before realising I have an Australian plug and it wasn't going to fit in the American holes without my converter which is in my checked baggage. I am so far gone, it's ridic.

Then I got back onto LJ, plugless, and I read this on Kyle Cassidy's blog. Some jerk had a sick cat so they just put it outside. It was found half-dead in a gutter. I can't believe people. I AM SO CHEERY RIGHT NOW! I am a ball of delight.

*giggles* Ball.

Anyway, donate if you can, rage at inhumane jerkfaces if you can't.

lara hates you, lol america, why circe why?!, what in the actual fuck?, :(, kitty!, oh for fuck's sake

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