
Oct 21, 2010 14:16

My digital photo frame arrived! It is 12 inches and I can lighten the photos when I re-size them so they'll show up beautifully! The ones which are already light show up great but the darker ones do not look magnificent ;)

Wheeeeee digital photo frame!! A HUGE ONE!

Back to the research proposal. OMG *sleeps*

studying, pretty things which are pretty, damn you trade me

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Comments 7

armageddonriver October 21 2010, 04:13:19 UTC
Mmm, research proposals. Fun like setting your pubes on fire.


artemisofluna October 21 2010, 04:22:25 UTC
*snort* I wouldn't know, I've never set my pubes on fire! Not that I am assuming you have ;)

It's actually okay. Meaning, it's boring as ALL HELL, but it's going quickly because the structure does aid in the writing and count. It's more the survey I have to create for it that I am worried about because it's ANNOYING.


armageddonriver October 21 2010, 04:48:40 UTC
I've heard it's kinda stinky.

I've had to do a research proposal, but it sure as hell wasn't 4,000 words. That's an essay in itself. I suppose there's a lot more involved in the sort of thing you're doing, though. But yes, at least there's a structure to work with.


artemisofluna October 21 2010, 04:53:20 UTC
Well, yes. Burned hair stank is bad enough.

I have to do a literature review, which I am actually enjoying. The writing about materials I would use is boring though. Holy crap on a cracker.


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