Continuing on with the 30 days of RP meme:
day 05 - your favorite crackship ~ You know, most of my crackships in Darker London actually ended up as ships. Leah and I put her Nova and my Razvan
your_razvan together for the lols and they ended up being really sweet. Tasha and Hope
relinquite_spes weren't originally as serious as they turned out to be. There's the priest and the nun, Ciaran
the_sacred_fire and Catalina. I can't think of any more, but it happens with startling regularity.
My favourite however, is
father_peter Peter/Jillian. In a scene once, his narrative mentioned she had a nice arse and Leah thought that was hilarious and then we wrote an AU... Now in real Darker London he is in love with her sister know...his WIFE. But I so wish he could be with Jillian because not only is it hot, it's AWESOMELY HOT.
In FG the totally random and non-sexual pairing of Michael and the Loch Ness Monster makes me grin!
day 06 - biggest pet peeve ~ In roleplay? Nikki. She couldn't write (or at least didn't take the time to) and she wouldn't read scenes or she would skim them and then respond. One time we were writing smut and she had her character spontaneously orgasm while apparently standing in the middle of the room, since her girlfriends had moved to the bed in the reply before that. And she missed it. She also never read anything except scenes she was in, which is fine, except then she would miss stuff and have characters post about things when they were no longer relevant or that made no sense with the other things they went on. She also couldn't separate IC from OOC in the worst ways and she made it so hard to write ANYTHING in case she might get angry or flip out. She hated IC conflict and since that's totally my favourite thing, that was an issue!