Sep 07, 2010 13:29
1. Last aftershock I felt was at about 8 this morning.
2. Big one (5.somethingorother) at 3 am had me jumping out of bed like I was rocket-powered.
3. The buses are running but it doesn't help that the real time map ISN'T. At least they're going though. And my favourite busdriver is not only okay, but cheerful as ever he was.
4. Shops are still out of some stuff, but managed to get everything I wanted, including half-price Pepsi WHEEEEEEEEOMG
5. What kind of cat doesn't like tuna? She doesn't like tuna or chicken or steak. She likes dry cat food and cheese (not...together...). What did she eat before the cat rescue people picked her up?! Wild dry cat food she caught with her mad hunting skillz?! I swear to sonny Jim my cat is munted. I love her the most anyway. She's adorable and when I poke her she scolds me <3
6. Tunnnaaaa mmmeellltttsssssss
7. Tonight I am making chili and relaxing and I like it that way.
8. This guy on the bus had the BEST accent and it made me smile.
9. Random people I don't even know at the bus stops are asking me how I fared. Dear Christchurch, I love you.
10. I <3 you all too :D
ariadne and her ball of wool,
lara loves you,
new zealand,
strange felineic tendencies,
plate tectonics to the left,
freakin' ovaltine