(no subject)

Aug 01, 2010 03:59

My kitten is actually sirtting on my face. I'm in ebd. Why does she think I eant this?@?@?!

Oh she moved. A little. Now she's on my cheek. This is weird and new. But warm!

In my living room is a collection of some of my fav peeps. It's Alison's birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALISON! One half of the bestest housemates evar. I gave her presents and we watched some Lord of the Rings movies! And we played LOTR Trivial Pursuit and her brother Sam kicked bottom. ("I can see your bottom!") Tomorrow is a breakfast fry up and that will be lovely.

I ♥ New Zealand

ali is a goddess, lolwhut, ariadne and her ball of wool, new zealand, lfod

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