
Jun 12, 2010 09:09

In a case of art imitating life, I am now STILL awake at 8 (well now it's almost 9) in the morning, much like my new demon character in Forgotten Gods was complaining about almost 9 hours ago. FFFFFFFF And I can't sleep because Lewi is flying in (that is a yay!) and if I sleep, I won't go to the airport. And messaging my fiance to tell him to ( Read more... )

carol channing is better than you, rpgs, lolwhut, darker london, peter kemp, firefly, forgotten gods, haha

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Comments 45

sancta_terra June 11 2010, 21:13:47 UTC
Haha, crazy-awake time! I know that a little too well!


artemisofluna June 11 2010, 21:16:07 UTC
I giggled and fell over and giggled again.

Ooofta. Clare. My brain is fuzzy. It has brain-fuzz.


sancta_terra June 11 2010, 21:17:11 UTC
I hope you get sleep soon!!


artemisofluna June 11 2010, 21:21:53 UTC
Can't until after Lewi gets here! WAH!


_honeyspider June 11 2010, 21:35:36 UTC
I want to lick Zoe's legs.


artemisofluna June 11 2010, 21:36:46 UTC
Oh yummmmm...


artemisofluna June 11 2010, 21:37:21 UTC
*snort* that icon doesn't QUITE convey what I was hoping...


_honeyspider June 11 2010, 21:43:06 UTC
It conveys licking that scars the licker.


treacleangel June 12 2010, 01:19:00 UTC
Oh you should have heard us when we realised Zefron was LittleSimon ^_^

If I had a dress as awesome as Kaylees then I would totes have it up in my room as Art.

I hope once you safely deliver Lewi to the Lfod you will pass out and let your body get a much needed rest.

If you wanted, you and Lewi should come round to our house for tea while he is here. You could even bring those crazy flatmates too.


artemisofluna June 13 2010, 08:55:44 UTC

ME TOO omg.

I slept for 13 hours OH yeah :D

And yes plans were made YAY awesome :D


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