(no subject)

May 29, 2010 16:23

Last night the lovely ladies I live with dyed my hair purple! It actually didn't come out very purple, but it's darker and for a change, it's quite nice! It's still got a hint of red in there which makes me happy :D And when I'm sick of this, I shall go back to my fire-engine, head-is-on-fire red colour I love so much :D


OMG I have been watching Dead Like Me and I love it. How did I not know this show existed?! I am almost finished with season 1 and I wish there were more after season 2 (I have heard the movie doesn't count) oh yay oh yay oh yay!

It's cold in New Zealand, but I have my blankie and my hot water bottle and I sound like an old lady, but it's ALL TRUE! OMG if I was an old lady I would so dye my hair bright pink. ANYWAY this is the kind of day I want to spend inside watching Buffy or Boosh or something silly and happy-making. But I am SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING. (Note my posting to LJ as TOTALLY NOT STUDYING...) At least it stopped raining!

And the cat just totally ate a spider...

Ooooh coffee!!

various smells, coffee is just grand, so say my nips, ariadne and her ball of wool, new zealand, hair

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