Jan 01, 2010 17:02

So..kind of since Wednesday I have been noticing that my throat was getting sore again. I think I posted on Facebook that I was worried about ANOTHER cold. Turns out it was just that the antibiotics (which I finished on Sunday) weren't enough and now it's coming back again. AGAIN. Again. I have been dealing with this since NOVEMBER 28TH!!!! I AM DONE NOW!!

So now I have stronger antibiotics, and the will to kill someone in a rather messy and satisfyingly bloody way. So instead of committing homicide, Lewi and I are going to go to see The Lovely Bones which involves a homicide. And then maybe I'll write a homicide, just to really make sure.

Stupid safhusaphifsdas hfisahs. Yes.

I love Gene Wilder.

argh, stupid body, eat me!, damn yoouuuuu!, disease

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