Been a while, hasn't it?

Dec 04, 2006 19:20

Real life took over (no matter how much I begged and cried and pleaded for it not to) so I haven't been around in a while. I haven't even read any fanfiction in a couple of months I've had so much other stuff going on!

Let's see how breifly I can sum it up...classes (no need for elbaoration there), work stress (got shifted into a new position again, we changed computer systems and the new one is horrible, and the girl I work with in the records room just put in her two weeks notice Thursday and then didn't come back), Holidays, my mother's and cousin's birthdays (We did another murder mystery, but TONS of work putting it together! I should post pictures, because I was the town drunk and my mother was dressed as the dance hall girl, ROFL), trying to find a doctor, a wedding in Montgomery for one of my cousins, and Christmas shopping.

Miraculously, I did just get a Christmas one-shot posted, though! Some of you might be happy to know that it is the finished version of my 'Inuyasha chases a cat' plot. If you have the time, please read it because I would like to know if it is as amusing as 'I' think it is (After all, I am far too easily amused sometimes) by people whose opinions I can trust, LOL...

Hope you guys enjoy the story, and hopefully I should be around more often for a while since I only have one more final and then FREEDOM, at least for a while...
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