Sick day

Sep 01, 2006 09:08

I didn't go to work today because I feel horrible.

Started yesterday when I spent a good part of the night tossing and turning because I didn't feel well (though you can't really pin it on anything at that point). So I woke up feeling really crappy (my throat was really rough and scratchy) and didn't really feel like going to work. But the girl in the records room was really desperate for help so I figured I'd at least go in long enough to help her.

Well, I get to work and THREE out of the six support staff had called in! One of the girls in the records room (that was expected) and then the two that are normally at the front desk. And then instead of staying to help out because we were so short, our boss took off to do training all day. So I was stuck up at the front desk all day feeling like I could happily crawl under a rock somewhere and never come out again.

So we ended up with three people to cover the jobs of six people. One was doing intakes, one was in records alone, and then I had the front desk...ALONE.

Let me tell you, there is a reason they put two people up at that front desk...and yesterday morning was a prime example. It was so busy I just wanted to lay my head down on the desk and bawl my eyes out. But of course, I didn't have enough time to do that. It was almost noon before I even got the schedules for the next day printed which is a 'first thing in the morning' task. That should tell you how busy it was.

About 11am or so I developed a fever, and by the afternoon I'd gotten over the embarrassment of blowing my nose while there were people in the lobby. I just didn't care anymore. My head was also POUNDING...

I e-mailed one of the girls that was out and she promised that she would show up today (she'd had a stomach virus yesterday) so I told her I probably wouldn't be going in. And I didn't. I didn't make it to class last night, either, which is probably going to hurt me, but oh well. No help for it, I guess, because I was dead tired and miserable when I got home from work.

I'm a little worried that people are going to think I'm faking just because I had a bad day yesterday, but I guess there isn't much I can do about that. I've worked there well over a year and this is only the third time I've called in, so even if I were faking, there isn't much they could say.

But believe me, I wish I were faking. I'd rather be at work than home sick. I HATE being sick!

LOL, last week I would have said 'If only I could get sick so I could stay home'. And that is when you know it has been too long since you've been sick, because you've managed to forget how miserable it is. Well, I remember now...
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