My mother Vs. Sailor Moon

Aug 20, 2006 21:42

I admit (very shamelessly) that I own all the Sailor Moon DVD sets. After all, that was the series that introduced me to anime so it deserves some sort of credit. And I admit, they are very collectable and I cackle evilly whenever I see how much they are selling for on e-bay since I bought them for when they were selling for less than SRP. Now some of them are selling for almost double that...

But anyway, until very recently I'd never exposed my mother to it. And if I'd known how entertaining it would be, I would have done so LONG ago...

A normal session watching it with my mother in the room seems to go a lot like this:

Mother: Why don't they ever show Tuxedo Mask having a naked transformation?

Me: Because young girls watch this show, so it wouldn't be good to have naked men running around.

Mother: Well, young boys probably watch it, too, so why do they show naked girls?

Me: Er...good point...


Mother: Is that a woman, or a man?

Me: You have to ask?!?! You knew right away that the guy that acts like a girl was really a guy, so why can't you tell that the woman that dresses like a man is really a girl?!?!

Mother: *blatantly ignores confusing rant* So that girl she's with...are they THAT way?

Me: Gee, ya think?


Mother: Don't they realize that if they just got rid of that woman, all their problems would be solved?

Me: No, they wouldn't.

Mother: Yes, they would! She's the one causing all of the trouble!

Me: Nuh uh, if they got rid of her, they would just replace her with someone else, just like they did the first woman.

Mother: First woman? But that's the same woman!

Me: No it isn't, that red-haired woman is different from the first red-haired woman. The first one is dead.

Mother: *looking completely confused* Well, it looks like the same person to me!


*later, after she's finally accepted that they bring in a new villan every episode*

Mother: So is Mimet gone, yet?

Me: Yep. In fact, this is the replacement of her replacement.

Mother: WHAT?!? That fast?

Me: Whoops, sorry, lost count...this is the replacement of her replacement of her replacement.

Mother: *rolls her eyes and doesn't bother to comment*


Mother: So, they're supposed to be witches?

Me: No, actually they're aliens

Mother: *fully believes I'm being sarcastic and just gives me 'the look'*

Me: What? It may say witches on the door, but they really are aliens!

Mother: ...


LOL, yes, those were all real conversations...
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