Aug 10, 2004 17:02
Yea so OZZfest was Saturday night. Jesus fucking christ dood. I had a fucking blast. It was the shizzle. Hatebreed was fantastic... Lamb of God... FUCKIN DIMMU. Man... it was awesome.
Peck's been chillin at the house the past few days... its been cool. Kinda sucks that I always gotta work and shit, but ya gotta work to live. He'll be back next week hopefully. Jesse and Tonka came over last night and I did Tonka's dreads. It took me like four and a half hours. It was insane. I hope she likes them.
My grandad's dying... its fucking gay. He's got like 2 weeks left... and I don't have the cash to go to the funeral. A good fuckin family member I am.
Nothing else has really been goin down... just lookin for another job... possibly a second one. I need to go to school too, and I think my mom is quitting her job soon so I can go. That would be cool if I could go, but then we'd be all really hella poor. Living costs too damn much.