May 17, 2010 00:03
I've had the most beautiful day today.
I am blessed to be in the most expansive, amazing community of hearts and minds, surrounded by people who care, who are motivated out of some concern greater than their single selves. We're not homogeneous. We're not in lockstep, groupthinking our way to some utopian ideal (utopia meaning "no place"), hence the beauty of the creative ferment I can sense, feel and intuit all around me. It's the possibility of novelty that draws us all on, the possibility of not simply survival, but of creative reunion with the divine impulse that birthed this universe some fourteen billion years ago (or so), that it might birth again...and again....
Tonight I found myself standing at a bonfire at Ocean Beach, watching the (not so) Pacific waves licking the sandy foreshore and having the most surreal conversations about life, about death, about the possibilities of existence and about relationships. People. How to love without losing oneself? How to love from a centered place? What does unconditional love look like and is it even possible?! How to forgive people for being people? How to forgive one's own trespasses?
I think my eyes were pried open to this beauty around me because I spent most of the day in meditative practice, thinking of the relationships I want to heal or to begin, the things I am concerned about, the personal wounds I want to heal, who matters the most to me, and how to be in a right relation. How to be in a right relation.
What other demand is upon this mortal coil than that singular, yet infinitely multifaceted one?