(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 23:11


For my summer internship/job, I am a teacher/camp counselor at a day camp for low-income families. I teach the 5th grade. They are loud and noisy, but generally good kids, save a few. It's a tiring job, but it's interesting, and I like making a difference and seeing them improve.

On Fridays, everyone in the camp goes on a field trip.

It tends to be interesting.

warpedmind125: so what did you do today?

moonyartemisgirl: the kids had a field trip

moonyartemisgirl: to frick park

moonyartemisgirl: my god

warpedmind125: howd that go?

warpedmind125: haha

moonyartemisgirl: what a disaster

warpedmind125: lol

warpedmind125: story time!

moonyartemisgirl: OKAY

moonyartemisgirl: SO

moonyartemisgirl: we get to frick park

moonyartemisgirl: and it's a nice park

warpedmind125: lol

moonyartemisgirl: it is

moonyartemisgirl: so I check it out and watch the kids for a while

moonyartemisgirl: then one girl asks to go to the bathroom

moonyartemisgirl: so I take her, having to go myself

moonyartemisgirl: the bathroom is revolting

moonyartemisgirl: the girl's toilet is not working, apparently

moonyartemisgirl: there is only one, btw

warpedmind125: eww

moonyartemisgirl: in an open room

moonyartemisgirl: and a door that's jammed open

moonyartemisgirl: so anyone who goes to the bathroom will see you peeing

moonyartemisgirl: the toilet is near full with human waste

moonyartemisgirl: and it reeks

moonyartemisgirl: there is a port a potty

moonyartemisgirl: that has a wasps' nest inside of it

warpedmind125: ewww

moonyartemisgirl: so I tell the girl to use the men's room

moonyartemisgirl: which is less gross

moonyartemisgirl: so she does

moonyartemisgirl: and I do

moonyartemisgirl: and there is no toilet paper

moonyartemisgirl: so I have the wonderful experience of wiping myself with my hand, which does very little, and hobbling to the sink to wash it off

moonyartemisgirl: so then we go back to the park

moonyartemisgirl: about an hour later, Miss Megan informs me that the boy's toilet is overflowing all over the floor

moonyartemisgirl: and we begin to take kids into the woods with paper towels when they have to pee

warpedmind125: ew

moonyartemisgirl: yeah

moonyartemisgirl: the park also has a merry go round

moonyartemisgirl: v fun

moonyartemisgirl: only the kids keep flying off of it

moonyartemisgirl: like, several feet

warpedmind125: lol

moonyartemisgirl: because they can't fucking hold on

moonyartemisgirl: at all

moonyartemisgirl: so kids are bleeding all over the place and screaming

moonyartemisgirl: and it's a nightmare

moonyartemisgirl: so we kick them all off of it

moonyartemisgirl: and they keep sneaking back on and getting hurt

warpedmind125: god

warpedmind125: this sounds like you had a terrible day

moonyartemisgirl: all the other kids keep getting hurt in other retarded ways as well, though!

moonyartemisgirl: for example

moonyartemisgirl: jumping off the top of the playground equipment and landing on their back in the wood chips

moonyartemisgirl: trying to slide to third base on pavement

moonyartemisgirl: trying to do a head stand on a rock and slipping

moonyartemisgirl: etc etc etc

moonyartemisgirl: I dealt with so many crying kids

moonyartemisgirl: it was unbelievable

moonyartemisgirl: so THEN

moonyartemisgirl: some of the teachers decided that the playground equipment was boring

moonyartemisgirl: so they divided up into groups and took a bunch of the kids on a hike

warpedmind125: smooth

moonyartemisgirl: two teachers to a group

moonyartemisgirl: 3 groups

moonyartemisgirl: I stay behind, watching the kids on the playground

moonyartemisgirl: 1 groups gets back and rejoins the playground

moonyartemisgirl: another group gets back

moonyartemisgirl: last group doesn't get back

moonyartemisgirl: for two hours, no one has heard from them

warpedmind125: wow

moonyartemisgirl: they're not responding on their walkies

moonyartemisgirl: finally, Miss Leah, the Big Boss, gets a call on her cell phone

moonyartemisgirl: the last group got lost in the forest

warpedmind125: the fuck?

moonyartemisgirl: they're in wilkinsburg

warpedmind125: idk where that is

moonyartemisgirl: neither do I

warpedmind125: i suppose 2 hours away

warpedmind125: by food

warpedmind125: *foot

moonyartemisgirl: only that they came out on the wrong side of the forest

moonyartemisgirl: it's not, I think

moonyartemisgirl: they went in circles like morons for a large part of it, probably

moonyartemisgirl: so they trek back through the city to get back to the park

moonyartemisgirl: OH

moonyartemisgirl: and there's a BLACK FAMILY REUNION going on at the pavillion in the park

moonyartemisgirl: and they are blasting rap music

warpedmind125: haha

moonyartemisgirl: with swear words

warpedmind125: haha

moonyartemisgirl: and the kids are dancing to it

moonyartemisgirl: and having a dance off

moonyartemisgirl: which means they are attempting to break dance and getting hurt again

warpedmind125: lol

moonyartemisgirl: and the little kids are repeating the new fun words they are hearing!


moonyartemisgirl: *dies*

moonyartemisgirl: OHHH

warpedmind125: lol

moonyartemisgirl: and one girl

moonyartemisgirl: and a boy

warpedmind125: it just keeps going

moonyartemisgirl: decide they are going to play house

moonyartemisgirl: so they are playing house

moonyartemisgirl: and they decide they want a child

warpedmind125: oh god

moonyartemisgirl: and they are not satisfied with playing pretend

moonyartemisgirl: so they look around for something suitable to be their child

moonyartemisgirl: and come across the earthworm

moonyartemisgirl: the earthworm that we later had to retrieve from the girl's goddamned vagina, because she couldn't give birth to it like she'd planned

warpedmind125: XDDDD

moonyartemisgirl: my god, dave

moonyartemisgirl: it was insane

warpedmind125: i'm so glad i dont have your job
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