Leaving FF World for a Year

Dec 31, 2010 11:36

Yes, I know it seems impossible. But I would really like to try it. After January 9, 2011, I will no longer read fanfiction until September 19 and after that day I will quit fanfic reading again. Will be back by December 5, 2011 but then quit again.

Haha, if those dates leave an impression on you in anyway then we're probably on the same fandom. I'm going to try to use my time for something more productive, something to add something to my life other than fanfiction.

The funny part of that thing is that I will be active at HEX. But as I am currently committed to about 7 rps, my hands are really full. I will only reply once a day though. And I believe that it will be all the fiction writing that I will need as I continue to improve myself in that area.

Anyways, this is my way of going on hiatus on everything related to fanfiction. Ciao :)
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