A_Facility notes

May 20, 2011 13:29

 /steals idea from Nekky

So yeah, this is everything that's happened to Kate so far in A_Facility. It's...about A_Facility. That should probably be warning enough.

Week 114- Off Week 
Arrival in the Facility, getting used to her surroundings, blah blah blah. Not that interesting.

Week 115- Acclimatization to Goblin City.
She....sniped some goblins. Yup, that's what happened. Then she explored the city with Amalia, kept goblins from eating her, met up with Tim and Timothy and made friends with some goblins for a place to stay and some food.

Week 116- Mirages
Saw illusions of Tommy, lived in denial that she might have feelings for him. Fun times.

Week 117- Seven Deadly Sins
Last week in Goblin City but I...canon updated her so she wasn't there. Hooray for copping out?

Week 118- Off week
New arrivals, hey look Tommy's here! This week also included fussing over Billy and Amalia but that's pretty much every week so it's really nothing special.

Week 119- No Inhibitions.
She got into a fight with Suki and basically spent the rest of her time fooling around with Tommy. When she wasn't fussing over Amalia and Billy, of course. There was also a wonderful, awkward post-sex accidental post to the network. And now you all know why Kate is pretending this week never happened. YAY GOOD CHOICES.

Week 120- Super Sensitive Hearing
Another kind of boring week. All that really happened was a long, sort of awkward talk with Tommy. They agreed to take things very, very, very slow since she's still not totally comfortable with relationships (which is part of the reason that she and Eli never actually started dating). Yeah, they're kind of dating now.

Week 121- I Quit
She spent this entire week hating the screams and the torture on tv. She also fussed over Amalia and Billy a whole lot. There was camping too. With Amalia and Tommy. Then, on Wednesday, Billy pushed her button in an effort to "protect her" from everything. She died some time late Thursday, let's say. After the interns decided to play a game of Operation with a live human. Who's awake the whole time. Yup, it was a good week.

Week 122- Off Week.
This week was spent recovering from that whole death thing. Also fighting with Tommy because he's an idiot who killed himself for no reason. They then made up after Dick Grayson carried Tommy's ass to her room and made them talk. She also fussed over Billy and Amalia, which is becoming a pattern, and helped welcome some of the new arrivals. Also she and Tommy are now roommates. Tommy is happier about this than she is.

Week 123- Broadcasted Dreams
She comforted Tommy when his strange baby hands dream was broadcast on the network. Seriously, what the fuck was that even? She also had one of her own dreams broadcast, one about her mother. This was followed by finding ways to avoid sleep, glaring at Tommy when he had a sex dream and basically trying to avoid the network.

Week 124- Hurt the Ones You Love
And then she isolated herself from everyone she loves. Except when she switched rooms with Dick and had a visit with Tim.

Week 125- "I Know My Capacity"
Everything was booze. Bleh. But she, Billy and Tommy had a sleepover right after reset so that was fun. She spent this week keeping track of her drunk idiot friends, not showering and getting a love confession that she very much did not want from Tommy.

Week 126- Psychological Disorders
She was given aphephobia for this experiment. Aphephobia is the fear of being touched and often goes hand in hand with agoraphobia. So she was pretty much a hermit this week. Tim came over in all his amnesiac glory and they had a chat about superheroes. Then she had yet another fight with Tommy. This is becoming a thing.

Week 127- Off Week
Recovering from crazy week. There were many awkward talks with Tommy. And with Tim. And talks of being glad that Dick didn't actually off himself.

Week 128- Acclimatization to Wonderland
This week was spent gathering Billy and Tommy. They also met up with the rest of the capes and made a base on the train. She and Tommy also rescued Timothy from being eaten by a bunch of monster wasps.

Week 129- "Make A Noise, Be Horribly Punished"
This week was spent in silence, as talking led to her vivisection scar being ripped open. There was more superhero business, including rescuing America from Hatter's Domain. This was the week Amalia was terminated, but because of the superhero business there really wasn't any time for mourning.

Week 130- Memory Transfer
More superhero business, including rescuing Namine. This week she transferred memories with Tommy, Billy, Suki, Timothy, Jonathon, Dick and a very awkward one with Tim.

Week 131- Off Week
Kate tried to think of way to give a memorial to Amalia and then took a nap with Timothy. She also cuddled with Tommy but this is nothing new. Teddy is in the Facility now, which she is less than thrilled about. She and Tommy moved into an empty room in Teddy's suite while Billy moved into Teddy's room.

Week 132- "Freak on a Leash"
Val gave everyone orders that they had to follow under threat of horrible punishment. For the most part Kate behaved herself but then Val gave her an order to announce the identities of the other capes on the network. She of course refused to do this and died after being stabbed through the throat by spikes.

Week 133- Zombie Virus
She came back from the dead right at reset. A zombie virus was unleashed into the Facility. The Young Avengers barricaded suite 32, allowing no one in or out. Jonathon, Namine and Kairi also stayed with them for most of the week.

Week 134- Grab Bag
Kate was de-aged down to six! She was told that her mother had left her with Tommy while she went on a trip. The whole week was spent playing and being generally adorable. The other Young Avengers and Timothy watched over her while de-aged Dick and Bucky played with her. Also Tommy made her a stuffed animal using Billy's powers since they were body swapped.

a_facility, notes

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