Gargleblasted app

Apr 18, 2011 18:56


Name: Maggie
Are you over 16?: Yup
Personal LJ: flyingmagicbear
Timezone: EST (New York)
Other contact: anigrl2008 (AIM)
Characters already in the game: None
How did you find us?: Blame your Billy


Character name: Kate Bishop || Hawkeye
Fandom: Young Avengers
Timeline: Issue 1 of Children's Crusade
Age: 16
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Kate is basically just a normal teenage girl, so she has no superhuman powers to speak of. She does however have a photographic memory, is trained in several forms of hand to hand combat like boxing and jiu jitsu, can wield several types of weapons, is trained in fencing and is a master archer. When in costume she is armed with a bow and arrows, a sword and a pair of battle staves. She also plays the cello.

How would they use their abilities?:
She would use them to protect herself and her friends if it came to that. Also to complete missions and basically to stay alive.

Kate stands at 5'5" and weighs 120 pounds. Her body is fairly normal for a girl her age who engages in regular physical activity, slim and not overly muscled but instead lightly toned and strong.  Her hair is a dark inky black, wavy and thick, falling down just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark blue and her skin is a smooth healthy shade, slightly tanned but also slightly pale. She dresses fairly typically for her age when not in costume or in her school uniform, dressing in nice blouses and skirts or very rarely pants.  Since I can't think of a way to describe it, have a picture of her in costume.


Kate's strongest quality, one that sort of wavers between being good and bad, is how stubborn she is. She likes to have things her way and is hard to sway when she makes up her mind. If she has formed an opinion about something or made a decision it will be hard to change her mind no matter what you have to say on the subject. She has her own way of thinking and will not change for anyone, even if her way of thinking proves to be wrong or not up to the same standards of everyone else. The negative side of this trait is that she sometimes doesn't listen to what others have to say, thinking that she is right and not liking hearing the ideas of others. She generally tries to include everyone in decision making and listen to everyone's opinions but there are those admittedly not that rare moments where she really gets set in something and refuses to listen. On top of this she tends to say exactly what she's thinking, not really bothered by what other people think of what she thinks or willing to repress herself for them.

One positive side of this trait, though, is that she doesn't let anyone push her around. She is more than capable of standing up for herself and will do so without any hesitation. If someone attacks or insults her she will easily bite back, not willing to let anyone put her down. She won't let anyone make her feel bad for being who she is or doing things the way she wants to do them. She won't let anyone bully her into thinking or acting their way. She is her own person with her own opinions and she doesn't let anyone give her orders. She will willingly fight for what she believes in and won't back down until she believes she's won. To her there is nothing too small to argue about when it comes to her beliefs or opinions, which usually ends up getting her in a lot of arguements with other strong willed people.

Kate is very giving besides this, her biggest goal being to make the world a better place. She is very concerned with charity and helping other people, going so far as to encourage her own sister to give the money for her wedding to charity. Before joining the Young Avengers she spent a lot of time volunteering in shelters and soup kitchens, doing whatever she could to help others. That was the biggest reason she even become a hero, she wanted to keep others safe. She realized the world was a dangerous place and wanted to try her best to make a difference, to give others a reason to feel safe. She wanted to try to keep bad things from happening to innocent people, even if she herself was never really safe again. To make this idea a reality she happily spends her father's money on the Young Avengers, buying them everything they need to keep operating since she sees that as a much better use for the money. She's never quite been comfortable with her family's wealth and so would rather spend it on other people than on herself.

Her friends are more important to her than anything else and she will do just about anything for them. While she may be suspicious of people she doesn't really know and will sometimes question their motives, she never questions the motives of her friends. She trusts them no matter what and if they tell her something, she will believe it. She is very loyal and will always be on their side, even if everyone else is against them. It doesn't matter to her what other people say about them, they are her friends and she will always be there for them. She knows they would do exactly that for her and so she sees no reason not to return the favor. This is basically her relationship with the rest of the Young Avengers and she will defend them no matter what, even if every other hero in the world was to turn against them. They are her friends and she trusts them no matter what happens.

Kate Bishop was born to Derek and Eleanor Bishop, a wealthy couple in New York City. She was the second child for the couple with an older sister named Susan. She had a fairly normal childhood, getting pretty much everything she wanted as was common for children who cam from wealthy backgrounds. She had all the best toys, went to all the best schools and was basically spoiled to death. She came to resent her family's wealth because of this though, feeling that they were wasting their money on themselves when they could have been giving to others. That didn't come about until later in her life, as she spent most of her childhood just enjoying the benefits.

When she was 15 her mother died after far too many years of not taking care of herself and working too hard on her charity work. Kate's mother wanted to save the world, just like Kate did, but that ended up being what led to her death. After Eleanor died Derek completely invested himself in his work, leading to the Bishop empire extending even more and the family to become even wealthier. This is about when Kate really began to resent her family's wealth and when she began to really want to save the world like her mother had. She saw her family's spending on luxury items to be a waste and thought there were so many better things that could be done with that money. She even encouraged her sister to give the money that was going towards her money to charity, though Susan waved off that idea.

Then, one night while she was walking home after trying on her bridesmaid dress with her sister, she was grabbed in Central Park and attacked. The experience left her traumatized and she spent quite a while being depressed over it. There was a long time where she just didn't feel safe at all and didn't know what she was going to do with herself. After spending a little time with a therapist though, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She began training in self defense, boxing and martial arts, determined to be able to defend herself if a situation like that ever came up again. This combined with her summers at archery camp made her quite the fighter, something which she took pride in and just made her desire to save the world even stronger.

Months later was when she met the other Young Avengers, a group of teenage super heroes who had modeled themselves after the adult superhero team known as the Avengers. A group of thugs had crashed her sister's wedding and were using all of them as hostages to negotiate with the police. They wanted safe passage out of the city in exchange for the wedding party's lives and the police were just about to give it to them until the Young Avengers showed up. They intended to save Kate and her family but really just ended up making things worse. A few badly aimed lightning bolts from the team's wizard resulted in a fire in the church, which was quickly put out, and things kind of got worse from there. However, Kate managed to form a distraction that gave the Young Avengers time to get the upper hand. She fought the thugs off with them and then followed them to Avengers Mansion, the Avengers' headquarters in the city.

After a confrontation with the Avengers, who weren't happy with a group of kids trying to do work that was dangerous even for adults,  Kate pretty much forced the Young Avengers into letting her join the team. She armed herself with Hawkeye's bow, a sword from the mansion and Mockingbird's battle staves. She fought Kang the Conqueror, a time traveling villain who had taken over many planets,  with the rest of the team, earning herself her place on the team after impressing them with her fighting skills and skills with the bow. When questioned just where she learned to handle a bow so well she revealed that she had spent many summers at a music camp where she had learned not only archery but also how to play the cello.  After the fight they promised Captain America that they would never put their costumes on again though Kate, not willing to let go yet, found a loophole in that promise. She used her father's money to make the team new uniforms and even let them use a warehouse that her father's company owned as their base of operations. She argued that they had promised Captain America that they wouldn't put their old costumes on ever again, but they didn't say anything about new costumes.

The team continued working after that, dealing with small time criminals throughout the city and operating under the Avengers' noses. It wasn't until the day that they appeared in the paper after stopping a bank robbery that the Avengers even noticed what they were doing. They decided to call in the kids' parents in hopes that that would stop them from putting themselves in any more danger. Meanwhile, Kate and the rest of the team tracked their then leader Eli to an abandoned warehouse where he had gotten himself into trouble with some Mutant Growth Hormone dealers. Mutant Growth Hormone is a drug in the Marvelverse that is capable of temporarily giving people superpowers and is a very dangerous thing to have on the streets as a result.  It turned out that the leader of the group was Doctor Hyde, a criminal who actually manufactured the drug. During the fight with Doctor Hyde it was discovered that Eli, the team's leader at the time,  was actually using the drug to make up for the fact that he didn't actually have the Super Soldier abilities that he claimed to have. He quit the team after the fight and Kate became the leader, though she tried to convince Eli to stay with them. She tried to tell him that you didn't need powers to be a hero but he just wouldn't listen.

At this point, the team's parents all knew about what they had been doing thanks to Captain America and the rest of the adult Avengers going around telling them. Most of them promised their parents that they would stop but that of course was a promise that none of them ever intended to keep. Kate led the team to the library where Eli worked after he quit, trying to convince him to come back. He refused though and while they were talking the Super Skrull, a powerful member of an alien warrior race,  came and kidnapped Teddy, the team's shapeshifter. Teddy managed to get away and the team escaped to Billy's apartment. The Super Skrull tracked them there, however, and took Teddy again. Realizing that they were out of their league, the team headed to Avengers Headquarters to talk to the Avengers. After being told that they were not in the kids decided to ask Vision, a robot who had been fused with the memories and emotions of the person who originally brought the team together,  for his help instead. Vision opened up the Avengers failsafe program, which was created in case anything ever happened to the Avengers. It listed all the people with connections to the Avengers or just with powers in general so that a new team could be formed. Iron Lad, a former member of the team who was actually Kang the Conqueror as a teenager, had used it to bring the original four Young Avengers together. It showed that there were more people out there, one of which the team took particular interest in, and the kids headed off to New Jersey. Their goal was to break this other person, a speedster named Thomas Shepherd, out of the juvenile detention center where he was locked up in hopes that he could help save Teddy.

They did this by having Vision disable the power dampeners in Tommy's cell, allowing him to blow up the wall and escape. After being freed he immediately wanted to kill the guards that responded to the explosion as revenge for keeping him locked up but Kate tackled him to stop him. She informed him that Young Avengers didn't kill (except Iron Lad, that one time) and they all headed back to New York to save Teddy. What resulted was the revelation that Teddy was actually half-Kree and half-Skrull, followed by a small scale Kree-Skrull war. Both races wanted to claim Teddy as theirs and wouldn't stop until their was a clear winner, the people of Earth being caught in the middle of it all. In order to stop the fighting, Captain America wanted to hand Teddy over to the aliens. Kate and the other Young Avengers stood by him though and refused to let that happen. The result of this was Captain America saying that Teddy was staying on Earth and the fighting continued. The heroes of Earth eventually contained the two alien races and made a deal with them, convincing them to leave.

After the fight due to Eli being badly hurt in all the chaos, Captain America again wanted the Young Avengers to stop being superheroes. Kate stood up to him, telling him that fighting crime was who they all were and that none of the bad things that had happened would have happened if the Avengers had just trained them instead of trying to push them aside. Impressed with her courage, Captain America granted her the codename "Hawkeye" and the first Hawkeye's bow. The first Hawkeye, who was a former Avenger and at the time thought to be dead,  was the only one who ever stood up to Captain America and so he felt that Kate deserved to take his place since she had done the same. Tommy officially joined the team at this point, which Kate was happy about and Eli very much was not. The team continued to operate as a group of heroes with Kate as their leader, this time with the Avengers' blessing.

Things were normal for a while after that, at least until the Civil War began. Basically, the Civil War was a time where the world's heroes collected onto two teams and fought against each other, much like when a country has a civil war. This was caused by the government deciding that it would be safer to know who the world's heroes were behind their masks, demanding that they all register their real names and begin to work as government agents. On one side you had the pro-registration, who supported the government's decision to make heroes register their secret identities and work as government agents. On the other side you had the anti-registration, who felt it was unfair for the government to ask this. Both sides spent months during the conflict fighting against each other, throwing the world into chaos until it ended. Eventually, this even led to the Skrull invasion, as the world's heroes were too busy fighting each other to notice the aliens moving in on the Earth. The whole conflict started with a group of superpowered reality stars messing up a fight with a villain and blowing up a school. This led to widespread hostility towards costumed heroes and the government passing of the Registration Act, which called for all heroes to register with the government and reveal their secret identities. Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man and one of the founding members of the Avengers, took the side of the government and began working to convince all heroes to register like the government wanted. Captain America, however, took exception to being treated like a criminal and formed a team against the registration. Kate and the rest of the Young Avengers, with the exception of Vision and Stature, joined Captain America's side of the issue.

For a while both sides worked without much conflict but things quickly started to escalate. Kate mostly worked behind the scenes for her team, though she was involved in a couple of the big conflicts. At one point she met Bucky, Captain America's former sidekick, and helped him with one of his missions for the Anti-Registration side. She also met the original Hawkeye shortly after Captain America was killed. At the time he was dressed in Cap's costume and Kate took exception to this, yelling at Hawkeye for impersonating Captain America and working as a puppet for the government. It wasn't long after this that Kate encountered Hawkeye again, this time going by the new codename of Ronin, which resulted in an impromptu sparring session. It was then that she learned she had been fighting Hawkeye all along. After being told by him that she wasn't worthy of the codename or the bow she had both taken from her by him. When Eli found out he was angry and yelled at her for being careless, though Tommy calmly offered to help her get her bow back from Avengers Headquarters.

The two actually broke into the building and stole the bow back, ending up accidentally catching Hawkeye's attention. Impressed that Kate didn't give up and stood up for what she believed in, Hawkeye gave her her bow back as well as his blessing to continue using the Hawkeye name. Not long after this, as a result of the Earth's heroes being distracted with fighting each other, the Skrulls invaded Earth. The Young Avengers were one of the first teams on the scene, though they were defeated by the alien forces and had to be rescued. Her next major effort during the crisis was in the battle with the Skrulls in Central Park, where she ended up getting blasted with a Skrull gun and had to be taken to a hospital for treatment.

Following the defeat of the Skrulls Norman Osborn, who had somehow landed the killing blow on the Skrull's Queen, took over the national security department. This led to the Young Avengers facing a rival team of superpowered teenagers and Kate having to fight the team's weapons master known as Executioner. After thinking that he discovered Kate's secret identity, Executioner managed to weasel his way onto the Young Avengers. In order to get rid of him and protect Kate's secret identity, the team stages a fake villain fight. Kate took Executioner to a charity ball as her date, during which the Young Avengers showed up to fight a villain who was really Billy using an illusion spell. Hawkeye was present, though it was really just Vision using a hologram, and this caused Executioner to think he was wrong about Kate. The Young Avengers fought Executioner's team after this and won, which protected Kate's secret identity once and for all.

By now Norman Osborn's forces were moving in on Asgard, the home of the Gods, and actually ended up defeating it's residents. Kate and the rest of the Young Avengers went to Asgard to help, though an explosion knocked Kate unconscious and trapped her underground with Eli. They pretty much argued about everything while they were down there and got out when Kate used an exploding tip arrow to make a hole in the ground above them that their teammates could pull them out from. Things went back to normal for a while after this, the Civil War ending and the government being restored to normal. The Young Avengers continued fighting crime as usual, ending up facing a group of terrorists on New York City. During the fight one of the terrorists grabbed Teddy and claimed to have a nuclear bomb. The Avengers were on the scene by this point, just in time to see Billy lose control of his powers and cause an explosion that incapacitated Kate and everyone else on the scene.

Why should that character be in this game: N/A

Why do you want to continue their history here: N/A

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:  N/A

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes! The plugin they use to communicate with each other is called the FlamingFerret. To earn money they can either do missions posted on the bulletin boards, do freelance work if they don't want to do the missions or they can just mooch off their friends.

1st person sample:
[Well hello, S.S. Thor. Have a young brunette looking at you with a less than pleased expression on her face. She's standing in a completely random hallway, still dressed in her costume. Her sunglasses are on her head and she looks just a little bit scuffed up but otherwise she seems to be okay. Nothing that a shower and a change of clothes couldn't help. Really, she's mostly just not happy]

Okay, so Earth was destroyed and now I'm here. Great. Honestly, I always kind of figured this would end up happening. I just thought I wouldn't end up surviving. Not that I'm complaining about being alive. This is actually a very preferred outcome.

[She looks up and down the hallway before turning back to the camera, still trying to piece together her situation]

Teddy, Billy, Tommy and Cassie. Are you guys around? I mean, if I'm here, there's a good chance you guys are too. I'd even take being screamed at by Eli at this point.  If you guys are around, which I really hope you are, please let me know.

3rd person sample:
So Earth had been destroyed and now Kate was on a random space ship, being referred to as a "refugee". Not exactly what she had been planning on happening when she woke up that morning but what could she do? At least she had survived whatever had destroyed her planet. That was what she just had to keep telling herself. Otherwise she was just going to end up completely flipping out and that was not something Kate Bishop generally did. If any situation had ever called for such a reaction though, it was this one. It wasn't everyday that you ended up on some random space ship and learned that your planet no longer existed. No, these were special circumstances, ones that definitely called for a different reaction than normal. Kate just wasn't really sure what that reaction should be.

Earth was gone, she was in space and she didn't even know what had caused any of it. How did she even react to that? She was just going to go ahead and blame the Skrulls. That was the only explanation that made any sense to her. They were probably still mad about their invasion being ruined by Earth's heroes. Yes, that made sense. This was now the reason that Earth had been destroyed, at least in her head. She didn't really care what anybody else was going to tell her, the Skrulls did it. Anything else was obviously a lie.

Now that that was out of the way, the next order of business was making sure her friends were okay. If she had survived Earth's destruction and ended up here, there was a good chance all of them had to. It was just a matter of finding them. Which was easier said than done because this place looked like it was huge. It would probably take her forever if she just walked around looking for them. Luckily, she had been given a communicator when she arrived, along with a towel. Speaking of which, why the hell had they given her a towel? What was even the point of that? It probably made the least sense of anything that had happened so far and she had just been rationalizing that aliens destroyed her planet.

"Whatever, maybe it'll make sense later," she said to herself, pulling her communicator out of her pocket, "Or at least as much sense as any of this makes." None of that mattered right now. The most important thing was finding her friends and finding them soon.

Questions?: Um, no, I don't think so.
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Of course I did.

gargleblasted, application

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