Apr 04, 2007 10:33
Picked up two of those all-important little credits yesterday, a white for listening to about 35 minutes of soft, pleasant classical guitar (not a bad deal) and an orange for going to a lecture/recital on Scriabin. I'm playing one of his pieces and it would probably be a good idea to understand what was going on with that. We learned some about the different scales that he used in his later composition; Geoffrey had at least heard of octatonic and acoustic scales. I hadn't. I understand those, even if I don't appreciate the way they sound, but not the "mystic" scale. I guess, like the lecturer said, it's a new kind of tonality if you get used to it.
And my right eyelid really has been twitching off and on all week.
It's kind of a light week for me - observations at the middle school are winding down. I finished my main interactive portion last week, doing the piano accompaniments at the sixth grade solo & ensemble contest. (by the way of middle school, I just heard about the fifth/sixth graders having sex in a classroom in Louisiana - WTF? I've been working with kids that age and they are really still children. Which is what they should be at that point. Getting into that kind of stuff at that age, whether in front of anybody or not, is way too much to handle. It's sickening to think about that, knowing how young these kids are emotionally. In my peer group growing up, no one messed around like that (and admitted it) before high school.)
And I should, at least, be spending most of my free time on piano practice, so they will let me into their department. (oh, and I'm wearing my new Honors Alliance T-shirt, except it's kind of lame... it just says "UTSA Honor". Adding an extra "s" to "Honor" would have made me feel a lot better for some reason. Also, I haven't seen anyone else actually wearing theirs, not that I get out much. But it doesn't matter. I'm old enough that I should be exempt from having to worry about how I look.)