Friends Only

May 22, 2015 13:17

This journal is friends only. If you are interested in adding me for whatever reason, please do not do so anonymously but leave me a message giving me your particulars: who (you are), how (you found me), what (you want), why (do you want to add me), etc.

This journal is my safe and private space to rant, opine, rage and whine. People are not added indiscriminately.
  • If I know you in the corporeal world: chances are strong that I will add you.
  • If we've talked on-line and have a connection: chances are high.
  • If you are a raging, ex-punk, elder-goth, bitchy hip mama: sweetheart, if you aren't already here, come on in!
  • Drama queens, psychos, armchair psychiatrists and high-school antics are not tolerated.
  • I do not suffer fools gladly.

It is also gratefully appreciated if you stand up for what you believe, whether others agree with you or not. If you like to go along with the flow and not "make waves' or "get into" the uncomfortable subjects, quite frankly, you won't like it here. Move along.

All comments are screened, so leave one here and we'll talk.
This has been a public service announcement.

psa, friends only

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