Jun 06, 2009 12:15
Just a heads up so that everyone wil know what I have planned~ And I do hope that everyone will make an appearance and join in to put your characters two cents in on the horrors~
But shortly before this months grab bag, Solomon will be announcing actual PROGRESS in his research!!! He thinks he's on to something in dealing with City Death, in bringing them back to life.... ((and for Jez's knowledge something that might affect permanent death as well~ mwah ha ha ha ha<-inserted evil laughter.))
He's preparing a 1000+ report of all of his research so far, graphs, charts, xrays, cat scans... all that lovely stuff with detailed notes on how he got to that point.
(The thing you must realize of course is that Solomon is no great prodigy when it comes to either science or medicine. As for business however... that's another thing entirely but I digress.) Solomon has made an error that won't be realized until much later. He's neglected to remember that people's bodies from different worlds will no doubt react differently to the same tests. Elemental mistake : P . ie: Genetic anomalies on a subcellular level. = so declares the mod I spoke with about what he could or could not do on this matter.
He has only one copy in paper. And then the work backed up on his computer which is in a less cohesive form. As of the stroke of midnight for the grab bag weekend, however.... disaster strikes in a very innocently cute way. Solomon will revert to toddler status. Please prepare for this little tyke to in his innocent play, destroy all of Solomon's carefully laid out research and be HORRIFIED as he plasters it on the network for all to see~
Any comments or ideas for potential interactions???
(Oh, btw, did I happen to mention that a known 'dangerous' vampire will be hovering over the very human 4 year old Solomon the whole time?)
grab bag weekend curse,
disaster strikes,
chibi cuteness,
research thwarted