Sep 11, 2010 13:22
I found an offer through my university for FREE upgrades for Microsoft office if you are a student! I am getting Office 7 as well as a preview for 2010. This makes me happy because Microsoft Word actually crashes during use and it has been maddening to finish writing projects.
I will also finally install the new battery I ordered months ago and use the screen cleaner I bought months ago. My laptop will love me after all of this!
My largest excursions this weekend will be to a music store to get some guitar sheets (unless I can find something through Amazon) and an Office Supply store to get Rowan some graphing paper and to find kits to make your own will. I want Jason and I to re-do ours and my mom wants me to get her a kit (without a CD, if I can find one.)
Has anyone used these kits before?