Since I have had more time to read, I have delved into some books which have been sitting on our bookshelves for years. I tend to read many books at once. Here are some I have read or started reading:
The Catcher in the Rye-Finished
The Colorado Kid-Started
Green Wicca 1-Started
Heart of Darkness-Started
Cadillac Desert-Picked up to read again, not finished
Speaking of books, a few days ago I was mentioning an author that I enjoyed. I have book One by
Stephanie Kallos, Broken for You, and have never read her second. She was a mom at my kid's elementary school and a chess mother in the afterschool club Jason and I ran. She won awards with her first novel. I would recommend it to most females on my friendslist. It is a woman's-relationship kinda book. She has some short essays up on her website, at the link above, if you want to see how she writes.