The only time whining is acceptable

Sep 16, 2008 20:36

(non-BSG related, but can't seem to lj cut this)

I never thought I'd see the day when I would say, "I'm rooting for the Beauty Queens on the Amazing Race." (Wha..? But you think BQs are flotation devices...) That's Amazing Race ASIA of course (available on AXN in the Philippines). They're the only likable team that has a chance to win. And I'm pretty sure THESE BQ aren't floatable.

This year the ARA teams seem chosen so that not one team is grossly more athletic than the others (no all-male extreme sports team here like last year). In fact the three all-male teams all could use more gym time. Strangely there's only one couple "dating" among three co-eds teams (cousins & siblings); hopefully this couple will be WAY less dysfunctional than last year's squabbling marrieds.

I also expect more meltdowns from this cast: There's a self-proclaimed "Heiress" and her actress friend; there's Mai*, who claims her "parents brought her up as a Little Princess" and she CHOSE her partner because HE can carry her bag AND be strong, not like her, cuz y'know "I'm a girl"; there's one Fazzie (or was that A.D.) who argues that lazier people can complete the tasks faster; and finally there is an only son, 'who is the sole recipient of my entire family's affection'. SNERK!!! Let the WHINING begin!!!

*Mai and Oliver were first to finish yet still managed to have a blow up after receiving a cash prize: Oliver complained that he did all the work (possible true), so Mai got all defensive and potty-mouth at him ALL THE WHILE FANNING HERSELF! (oye suplada!)

tv, ara

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