Previously… I really need to find my copy of Epitaph One. I erased it from iTunes but I thought I backed it up somewhere. So this then is a continuity of Epitaph One, not just a alternate future deviated from Hallow Man as Whedon said it might be last year?
“Tiny Messiah” Heh. I miss the architecture of the LA Dollhouse. Are there architecture plans floating in the web?
“Neuropolis” = “Tucson”. Does he hate Arizona?
Paul (shirtless)! And Echo!
Hey Topher! Maybe its an alternate future. And he’ll be the hero!
Aww, Group House. It’s like an Amish Dollhouse where the women rulz!
And no one mouths off to DeWitt, Ozone.
MiniMe. Heh, I’m sure the writers had a stack of nicknames. Is she just Caroline? Or is the Tiny Messiah Caroline/Echo?
Hey Kilo? And Victor! And a Monster Truck.
Boy, Sierra’s a bit of a control freak.
I thought Paul and Echo/Caroline were ‘out’ in Epitaph One? Hmm, wouldn’t Topher’s Pulse ‘kill’ Echo from Echo/Caroline. What about Paul? Wouldn’t he turn back to brain mush? Oh, they got to stay underground for a year?
Out of nowhere, Ballard’s shot. Helo’s DEAD! I’m mean FOR REAL this time.
Alpha’s a friend now? I guess he would evolve too. Or maybe, his madskillz were made for this world.
Villain Redemption and Warrior Grieving and Nerd Love in five minutes. God, I’m gonna miss this show.
Whoa, after everyone gets un-wiped, Adelle’s the only one with the complete history.
Not exactly the usual mindblowing episode but a definite ending and goodbye, especially as all the ‘beloved’ characters (including Alpha and Meg) get to shine (although there was no Boyd, Claire nor Dominic). Mourning officially begins, although to be honest I’m not that sad as when BSG ended (even with THAT Finale). And with this, my sci-fi TV is down to Lost (LotS and BBC’s Survivors are on probation - so they don’t count). My Saturdays won’t just be the same with a sci-fi mindfrak. I might have to check out Caprica now.