Fandom Love.

Jan 17, 2010 00:13

Hi guys. I'm not sure what it was (post-Holiday blues? lingering flu?) but lately I've been feeling a bit of the blahs and ignoring you fun people at LJ. And while TV may contribute to risks of heart failure, I have to say this week has revived some excitement in fandom. Hopefully, I can become a better LJ citizen for it.

How about that Chuck? ( Read more... )

dollhouse, chuck

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Comments 8

daybreak777 January 16 2010, 16:30:30 UTC
Hi Artemis! You're back! Check out my journal for fun stuff that happened this week. Oh, and let me know if you are interested in Chuck vids. I have two recs for you. :-)

But I can’t believe that Caroline is self-self taught at the young age with her advanced spy-skillz of self-insertion and bombmaking.
They didn't offer Bombmaking 101 at my school. They owe me a refund. ;-)

I do believe every regular got one except the cold-yet-caring hard-nose gun-toting scientist Madame.
They have such trust and comfort in each other’s special talents, yet they still remain alone. Its like they have to be each other’s family by default.
Yes. Family. Sometimes they get really annoyed with each other but they stick together.

And yeah, what happened to Ivy? Good point!

You know I’m gonna miss the architecture and interior of the LA Dollhouse.
Hee! That place was pretty 'swank' as Topher put it.

“I love you guys.” HUH? But not Paul, hee. Oh poor Paul.The live blog comm I was lurking in everyone was like: WHAT? But he did really love them. I ( ... )


artemis_90 January 16 2010, 16:49:26 UTC
Check out my journal for fun stuff that happened this week. Speak of the diva! (Yes, I know that's not the right word, but my family now uses that word instead - not for religious or censorial reasons but as an in-house joke.) I think I was posting on your post as you were replying to mine!

The live blog comm I was lurking in everyone was like: WHAT? But he did really love them. I know. It's odd but still kinda . . . Boyd. Now that I've had time to process, I could see it was true. But was he really that lonely? It's a bit insane, and I always thought that Boyd (before BB) was the most calm, collected, and sane person inside the Dollhouse. Nope, still am bitter about BB-twist. I need to come up with a term of disappointment that could encompass Boyd as Rossum, and Anders & Tigh as a Cylon.

This show never did treat her right, not really. I know. So sad. Never measured up to Echo, abused and kidnapped by Rossum, and 'she' couldn't even die in her own 'persona'. Poor doll-Paul is still angsting about his doll-state. ( ... )


daybreak777 January 16 2010, 17:00:45 UTC
The diva! I just got it. ;-)

You are bitter about Benedict-Boyd? I'm not. He was still kind of sweet underneath the crazy and that saved it for me. He loved Echo. I really, really believe that and she loved him. He was just so wrong and misguided. Is he worse than Adelle giving those plans? Topher making that tech? Claire shooting Bennett? No one gets away clean here.

But they even have time to replace Madeline November?)
I don't know! What's worse is I think they will all forget about her in ten years. Even Paul. I'm not sure what they were trying to say with Melli/November's character. It is sad.


artemis_90 January 16 2010, 17:15:26 UTC
Is he worse than Adelle giving those plans? HEH, I'm still sticking to my private canon that scientist!ADELLE did fiddle Topher's plans: hence the failure of the prototype until Topher fixes it!

Topher making that tech? Yeah, we know how well he's handling the guilt. You'd think Adelle would use the chair help Topher forget that part in order to heal him of the guilt. I mean the chair is still functioning in the future.

Claire shooting Bennett? We still don't know why she shot Bennet. They needed Echo's body not the Caroline personality. I have so much confusion with Claire-Whiskey-Clyde in terms of character, motivations, and hell, even LOGISTICS. So confused I can't even frame the questions.

I think they will all forget about her in ten years. Even Paul. I'll blame Paul. Priya at least has an excuse: she doesn't remember Sierra's memories of November. Wait, isn't Epitaph One Sierra, Sierra not Priya? I really, really need to rewatch that episode.


tracyj23 January 16 2010, 19:25:18 UTC
Ah Chuck, the best show on TV hands down. How I've missed it! Although I am kind of irked by Chuck turning away from Sarah (I get the explanation, really I do) when he had the opportunity to run away with her. *shrugs* Well they had to prolong the angst somehow I guess so turning it around works.

I haven't seen last night's Dollhouse yet, but last week's ... whoa. I'm still not sure I understand exactly what's going on but I'm thrilled that I don't. Dollhouse season 1 was such crap - so easy and all about sex, it just didn't feel like a Joss Whedon show. This season has been much better, particularly this ending, although it's feeling a little like BSG season 4.5 - "uh oh, we haven't told them about X yet so big core dump coming". Still, I like that everything is shades of grey and that you don't really know whom to trust. Much more exciting!

Feel better soon. ♥


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