Look, daybreak: Baking Pr0n

Dec 03, 2009 19:38

Taking a page from daybreak777 I'm posting this calorie-ridden goodie.
jenrosebsg posted this recipe for White Chocolate Brownies recently . I admit, I was skeptical, that's a lot of egg to flour ratio, no salt, no leavening, and a long baking time of 35 minutes (if I bake brownies, it can never be more than 25 minutes if ever or the whole batch is ruined). I was really pleased how it turned out, except for the dark color:

Ingredients: 6 Tbsp. Butter, 8 oz White Chocolate; 2 Eggs; 1 cup cake flour; 1/2 cup sugar, 1 Tbsp. Vanilla, 1 cup Chocolate Chips

melt butter&chocolate, whisk eggs, then add to each other, then the sugar and vanilla. Next add flour until flour is wet (30-40 strokes). Then add the chips.

Place in a 8x8 tin. Daybreak asked how it looks, at this point. It looks and tastes like sweetened condensed milk! I added the chips I had left in the bag (only 2/3 cup - I think this ratio is just as good) to the mixture, with a bit saved to sprinkle at the top (yeah yah, I sprinkled it only at one side). I'll save more to top next time, as most of the chips settled at the lower half of the mixture during baking.

Bake for 35 minutes in a preheated oven of 350F/180C. The house will smell like melted chocolate (which turned out important to counter the pungent waft of tuyo [salted fish dried in soy] my neighbor was making). I doubted the baking time and took it out at 20 minutes. It was gently tanning at the top, a most perfect color, but a cake test proved that it needed all 35 minutes.

It looks like a blondie on the outside, but 'yellow cake' on the inside. Taste-wise, it is very sweet and rich. Texture wise, it is a denser than a brownie (although my brownies are bit more cake-y than cookie) yet chewy as a fudge.

So any suggestions how to make it whiter? I'm gonna try it with 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar with the flour next.

Also, any suggestions how to make the pictures bigger?


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