You Know You're From Tennessee When...
You've never met any celebrities....other than Fred Thompson
Erm...who IS Fred Thompson again?
"Vacation" means going to the family reunion.
Ha ha, yeah, let's get the redneck jokes out of the way.
You know all 4 seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer and Christmas.
That's about gets awfully warm and humid around here. But East Tennesse weather is extremely odd. "If you don't like the weather, then wait around a little while, it'll change." You hear that allll the time here.
You laugh when people from anywhere north of TN tries to say or spell "y'all"
Guilty as charged.
It's "Mar-vull" not "Mary-ville"
O.O...My little town made it on this *passes out* And by the way, that is very very true. It's how we can so easily identify 'Yankees'. Anyone who says Maryville the second way is most often met with an odd look and the query 'Y'all ain't from around here, are ya?' Come down here, you'll see.
It's "Knox-vull" not "Knox-ville"
This is the same concept as Mar-vull and Maryville. See a pattern?
A tabogan is a hat, not a sled.
Eh, that's what my step-mother says. I didn't know what a tabogan was, hat, sled or otherwise for a long time.
You butter your hot biscuit by cutting it open, putting a slab of butter inside and closing it back up again.<
So what if I do? Not that I eat a lot of that strange? o.O
Every town in East Tennesse has a "strip" and they're not particularly safe to be in at night.
Some towns have several of these 'strips'. And some are okay at long as you don't wander around alone in the back...
Pigeon Forge is not pronounced with a French accent.
Is it? I don't speak French...Touche?
Gatlinburg does have an "L" in it and it should be pronounced.
Er, duh? How would you pronounce it without the 'L'?
Sales tax is 9.5%.
That's right. It's been really high for years...and people STILL complain about it. It's a little annoying...sales tax is on everything, food, clothes, you name it. Everything except food type plants. (You learn some things as a cashier...)
You shop at Walmart for groceries, not at a grocery store.
Walmart is EVIL!...And yes, a lot of people do.
You don't drive in Knoxville on game-day. EVER.
If you've any sense at all, you don't.
You or your friends chew.
Eww, that's nasty. My dad does, and I wish he wouldn't.
You can't remember the last time you saw snow.
Yes, I can! It snows a little each year in winter...And hey, we had a big blizzard in '93.
You have a "piss on" sticker on your car window
-_- No, but a lot of people do. I don't get it.
You know when Elvis Presley Day is
I don't, but I hear about it every year.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Tennessee.
And my friends from other states too! ^_^
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