More Icon Fun

Jun 30, 2004 05:37

I'm addicted to making icons. Made a few more 8-Bit Theater ones.

Brian might come hunt me down for copyright violations if I keep it up at this rate. Eeep.

Thought that this one was rather amusing. I really do love BM.

Hat hair! Hehe. I like RM's long white/silver hair though. I like pretty hair in general. ;)

The famous Red Mage Hat(tm). We wants it, precious.

For you people who are thoroughly tired of the 8-Bit Theaterness, I have some that are...non-8-Bit-theaterish. *grins*

I actually made this one a while ago for wen_. Expressing my deep and intense hatred of Wal-mart, which is apparently shared by many people. Just let me tell you my Wal-mart conspiracy theory sometime...Yes, I did those flames myself, and they are rather crappy.

It's cute, what can I say? Got the original piccy from bodldops.

The Last Samurai is a good movie. I've been looking for pictures of that one blasted boy, and I can't find them. He's cute, why aren't there more pictures of him? Maybe I'll just hunt him down and take them myself. Heh. Anyway, Bob was one of my favorite people in the movie. Bob rocks. Made this one for bodldops...Actually made two versions, not sure which one she's going to use.

I think I'm going to go make icons of my agents now. A couple that have just been begging to be made...

Addicted to making icons? Yup. I even added it to my interests list. Along with 'killing Bravenet', because it really should die. Maybe it's not the only thing that's causing viruses on my computer, but it's a good scapegoat. It's always screwing up and downloading spyware, that much I know for sure.

Will I ever write a real journal type entry you ask? Eventually. ^-^

Oh, before I forget...a couple of banners that I found while I was looking through my picture collection. I didn't make them, which is probably obvious. >.>

*grins* I love elves, yes I do. And this reminded me of someone, but I'm not going to say anything.

Whee! Elrond is uber-spiffy, did you know? I've said it before, but it doesn't hurt to remind people. I've had this around forever, but kept forgetting about it. I added it to my user-profile, just because.

Oh, yeah! One more thing. While I was looking around some of my favorite Lord of the Rings websites for pictures (I have a huge collection of pictures, especially LotR stuff, just ask Ro), I found a really spiffy one of these rangers. I have no idea where it came from...RotK, one would assume.

Wow. Excuse me, I'm going to pack my bags and move to Minas Tirith now. *whistles* I've always loved rangers, anyway. That one looks a lot like Aragorn, doesn't he? Hmm, me likes.

I have 1,558 LotR pictures on my computer. I'm obsessed with LotR, but we knew that already. I have 223 MB of pictures, LotR and everything else put together. Hehe. Good thing I have an 18.5 GB hard-drive, eh?

[EDIT: I got off my lazy butt and edited the RM's hat icon a bit. I think it looks much spiffier now. The wonders that I can accomplish with MS Paint. Heh.]
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