Jun 13, 2006 09:57
It's off.... it's *finally off my arm! *does snoopy dance*
I got my cast off this morning, ohmygawd what a *cool* sensation. when they pried back the damn thing, the skin was almost black under it. talk baout funk. Doc looked at it, looked at me, and said 'well, somebody's been sweating a lot, I'm surprised it didn't soften any.' He looked at my wrist, then my other one, and noted that there wasn't much in size difference. 'how in the world did you manage to excercise your wrist enough in that' was the question.
I found doc Sadist's weakness.... he obviously doesn't like activities outside of air conditioning. I told him about range time, and hiking. when I told him 'class 4 trail', he got curious. He actually paled a bit when I explained a class 4 is the steepest and most difficult trail you can take without repelling gear. I kept the evil grin in....
2 weeks of non-strenuous activity on the left hand, and it'll be back to 'normal'... *grin*
moving my wirst feels *so* good right now!