Jan 01, 2006 21:52
So, general holiday break down goes as follows:
Miss Melissa. A lot. D: Made lots of junk for peoples, including one I'll prolly not be able to give to Jill til she's back. :/ Got a banana, cereal, and a box full of grass* for Christmas. What? :0 Went to my Aunt's and had a fun time with gag gifts and such (and her AWESOME FUDGE ZOMG). Got to talk with Chewy!!! Went Snowshoe hunting, saw nothing but Black-Capped Chickadees. Beat Trace Memory on DS...bad ending. Twice. Came back home. Found Animal Crossing, can't find a Koi ( :[ ). Learned fun new songs on the pie-ano (Mario 64 water theme, Itory Village from Illusion of Gaia, Mario Bros 3 level, etc, etc). Drew more comics. Went to New Year's party, drank lots of sexy Kiwi Mango juice <3. Came back. Was lazy. Stopped writing. Complete sentences.
etc. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary, really. I'm a-movin' back into college on Tues., 'cos classes start Wed. Fun stuff: I hope an art class opened up...I don't want to take a boring other class. :[
* - Grass for the base of the most awesome birthday gift I got this year - a mounted armadillo. Oh, he's goin' to my dorm room! :3 Don't act like you don't want one!