Welp, I've been busy-busy lately. School supplies a lot of it, like a 20 page math essay (which I just finished today :D ). On my off-time, I made an art piece for someone for $30 (got the check in the mail already!), updated my
site with valid links and new pics, and got 'employed' as one of Starmen.net's
Fan Comic section maintainers. I'm also making a colored pencil tutorial for the site, but it needs to be typed up still. :D
So, yeah, I'm all busy-like. I also have a couple tests this week, so free time seems gone until then. I have some artwork waiting for when I do get some time, but it looks like it may be awhile. :o
In other news, in the off-time I found in between the hecticness, I escaped to Tekko 1/2, which was held in the Carnegie Library. I played some SSBM and showed people the power of Game & Watch ('cos they didn't believe me), played a little DDR, and listened to the Tekko Idol singers. I might join next time if they have FFIX's Melody of Life again. :o
I've also learned more fun-fun stuff on piano, and since my program still sucks, it'd be hard for you all to hear them (as if you wanted to :p). In any case, 10 points if you know the songs!
-Veo Leu Sluice (sp?) - Crystal Chronicles
-Main theme - Katamari Damacy
-Lonely Rolling Star - Katamari Damacy
-FF8 and FF9's battle themes
-Bowser's Final Battle - Mario 64
And now to goof off for the last hour before classes and major studying tomorrow!