D S Timoshenko 2020 Sustainable Tourism Development in the Russian Arctic: Challenges And Prospects

Aug 14, 2020 12:06

My article "Sustainable Tourism Development in the Russian Arctic: Challenges And Prospects" was published by IOP Publishing Ltd (Bristol, UK).
For citation: D S Timoshenko 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 539 012097 https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012097

The study aims to identify the main trends in the sustainable development of tourism in the Arctic Region of Russia and to develop theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for the Russian Arctic tourism promotion. Crucial principles of tourism sustainability are listed. The author analyses the concepts of integrated tourism promotion of regions and sustainable tourism development, identified by the World Tourism Organization and the Arctic Council. The article outlines the concept of sustainable development of Russian Arctic tourism, defined by the national legislative, directive and statutory laws regulating tourism and the Arctic Region. Along with an analysis of tourism business modification, a review of the particular directions of the organisation and implementation of tourist services of the Russian Arctic is carried out. As a result, promising directions for promoting Russian Arctic tourism in correlation with the global trend of sustainable development, which is characteristic of a modern intensive economy using socially responsible management, are identified. The suggestions to improve the branding system and create an "umbrella brand" of tourism in the Arctic Region of Russia are formulated. The primary role and degree of involvement of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North in the development of Arctic tourism are determined. Innovative pedagogical technologies for highly specialised tourism personnel training are proposed.

Yar-Sale, YaNAO

#arctic #tourism #dianastimoshenko #russia #sustainabletourismdevelopment #arcticcouncil #theindigenoussmallnumberedpeoplesoftheNorth

#tourism, #russia, #dianastimoshenko, arctic_council, #sustainabletourismdevelopment, #arcticcouncil, north, diana s. timoshenko, Диана С. Тимошенко, #theindigenoussmallnumberedpeoplesofthen, tourism, дианатимошенко, arctic, russiatourism, #arctic, russia, travel&tourism, dianastimoshenko, Россия

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