(no subject)

Jul 27, 2016 10:00

Prednisone is a strange and wonderful drug. Last night I woke up immediately after having a dream in which I was reading a comic strip where a man and woman were talking about their education. The woman said that the girls at their school started learning to read a year earlier than the boys because their domestic education was considered more important than boys' education and also harder to learn, so they had more to get into their schooling.
Woman, annoyed: Yet man sees himself as like unto the stars.
Man, also annoyed: I am an untamed Jungle Creature.
Woman: "It." ITT! [to emphasize than a jungle animal is subhuman] This is why men have created such fascinating works in Narnia and Middle-earth--and why remakes of those worlds generate so much controversy. Man is recreating the world and finding Cain more destructive than he thought.

My brain comes up with some crazy stuff on Prednisone...


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