Nov 12, 2012 13:55
I have finished my proposal a week early, so I'm rewarding myself by posting on the quoteboard. :)
*discussing theory in rhetoric class*
Dr H: If you had to critique Trimbur, what would you do?
student: Give up.
Dr Z: I'm asking about how the GRE works because when I took it we were still writing in cuneiform.
*discussing the importance of the math section on the GRE (known as the "analytic" section) to getting into a literature program*
Dr Z: With the analytical section, we were like, as long as this person can count on the fingers of both hands…
Dr Z: So don't worry about the analytics. As long as it shows that you still have faculties…
Dr Z: I mean, I don't know anybody walking around who has a nemesis.
Christina: Well…
Me: You have mail!
Kyle: Thanks.
Me: It’s from the president! Aren't you excited?
Kyle: He needs to leave me alone.
*discussing rape and prostitution*
Dr Z: It’s Malthus who says the women should bear the responsibility and the shame.
*Victoria starts banging her head on the table*
Warnica: I tell people I’m from Sri Lanka, and they ask where it is. If I say it’s south of India they think we’re part of India, so I’ve started telling people it’s west of Australia.
Warnica: If I tell people Sri Lanka is an island, then they’re like, “Oh, it’s an island, then it’s part of India!” I’m like, “no, there’s ocean in between!”
Ashley: That’s like saying Cuba is part of Florida.
Warnica: That’s really good! I’m going to start using that!
Dr Z: at this time England's exports are wool and administrative capacity.
Ash: Organizational skills! Even today, the English can queue like nobody else!
Renee: And they’re still awfully proud of it, too!
Dr Z: I used to have this neighbors in her eighties who used to refer to her husband as "Mr. Hill." She also used to use great phrases like “drunk as a lord.” “Drove over our yard, knocked over the horseshoes-drunk as a lord!” She was like a walking anachronism.
*discussing the beginning of Mansfield Park*
Dr Z: The funny thing is Mrs Norris knows about her [estranged] sister’s pregnancies. How does she know?
Ash: Facebook.
Renee: Didn’t Victoria have like 9 children?
Priya: What is she, a vending machine??
*I walk into the room. Priya is watching a show on her laptop*
Ash: The music sounds so happy and cheerful! It must not be “real crime”. There’s no screaming or chainsawing or people dying horribly.
Priya: No, “Real Crimes” only happen on weekends.
Ash: People only commit crime on weekends! It’s statistical!
Priya: I guess that’s when they have time to think of such things.
*Priya brings a pastry into class*
Jason: Where’s mine?
Priay: You can have the spare.
Jason: You’re supposed to bring enough for everybody.
Priya: No.
Jason: It’s an American custom. You have to do it.
Priya: *blows a raspberry at him*
Dr Z on 18th century female accomplishments: “I know all the principle rivers of Russia!” I’m sorry, but unless you’re on the quiz team, it’s not going to be at all useful to you.
Dr. H: If I were you I’d be a little freaked out about this paper-not that I'm inviting you to be freaked out, I’m just trying to be empathetic.
Dr Z: I would like you to read Modes of Domination, which sounds a lot sexier than it actually is.
Conference goer to companion, heading down the hall on the nineteenth floor of the hotel, looking for her room: 1911… I’m in 1927.
Me: I think you’re next to me.
Cg: I just passed the first world war.
Me: Yeah, I feel like I should do the Charleston every time I go down this hall.
Cg to companion: We academics have a strange sense of humor.
Presenter at the conference: I removed the theory so I’d have time for the fun. ...You’re welcome.