Jan 13, 2012 19:29
I feel like this week lasted two weeks. On Tuesday I was thinking it was Friday. It's not like I had so much work I felt like I had done a week's worth in a couple days; I think the issue was that time moves faster when the things you are doing are routine and slower when the things you are doing are novel or outside your routine. I'm still establishing my routine.
Things from this week:
--met with my Chaucer prof from last quarter on my Chaucer term paper. There are some basic revision hints she gave me and she wants me to add a short section on fan fiction, but that's it. She also recommended the essay for a dept award contest!
--i survived a spazzfest when i realized that i was going to have to turn in a couple of novel chapters for my first writing assignment instead of a short story (see Jan 9) and then decided that my chapters were not that great and probably weren't what the prof was looking for b/c they're fantasy. was reassured by a kind email from her and the fact that two of the three pieces my classmates turned in this week were fantasy-related: one was a dystopia and one was a western ghost story.
--went to a reading by a visiting novelist and realized that half of his book was fanfiction for a Sherwin Anderson novel (now in the public domain)! v. exciting.
--got over my diffidence and put my two cents in during class discussion of my classmates' work
--decided that no, my couple chapters WEREN'T terribly great, but everybody was just going to have to freaking deal with it (trying not to think about the class discussion of them at the moment)
--got 3 inches of snow, discovered (no surprise) that school wasn't cancelled, and walked to school because i don't trust slushy roads when the hills are that steep. last i checked it was STILL snowing--it started last night about 10 and hasn't stopped since.
Now I've got a list of homework in front of me. Out of five items, two are due in the coming week, one is due in about two weeks, and two are due in about a month. I simply cannot get the gumption to work on any of these right now, particularly since we have a long weekend (no class Mon for MLK day)--Yay!