May 21, 2012 20:18
Читаю "U2 by U2"...
Боно, вспоминающий детство, когда он задавал себе вопросы о Боге в тяжёлый период жизни (смерть матери)...Так поэтично, что душа плачет...
Therewas a beautiful woman teaching religion at the time, Sophie Shirley,and she would say things like, ‘Yes, it’s a fallen world but it’s stillbeautiful. God’s fingertips are everywhere if you want to see them.’ Sothere I’d be, standing on Dollymount Strand, staring at the sea,watching the waves, looking at a storm on the horizon, and wonderingwho chose the colour of the sky? Who makes the earth turn at thisspeed? Who invented gravity and who designed girls’ laughter? Is it allcold science? Cosmic accident or creation? Is it love or survival ofthe fittest?