May 18, 2007 12:21
Моя навеки любимая Kate Bush. Влюблён в её голос ещё с подросткового возраста, соблазнён им.
А какие у неё лириксы! Они были (и остаются, сбываясь и обретая плоть) отражениями моих грёз.
Итак вот вам песня текст песни The Fog. Вопрос: о чём она?
Подключайте ваше бессознательное.
Хотя ответ, я думаю, и так очевиден :) /для меня так/
"You see, I'm all grown up now."
He said,
"Just put your feet down child,
'Cause you're all grown up now."
Just like a photograph,
I pick you up.
Just like a station on the radio,
I pick you up.
Just like a face in the crowd,
I pick you up.
Just like a feeling that you're sending out,
I pick it up.
But I can't let you go.
If I let you go,
You slip into the fog...
This love was big enough for the both of us.
This love of yours was big enough to be frightened of.
It's deep and dark, like the water was,
The day I learned to swim.
He said,
"Just put your feet down, child.
"Just put your feet down child,
The water is only waist high.
I'll let go of you gently,
Then you can swim to me."
kate bush,